
Profilo: Professori Associati
Nato a Messina il 24 Giugno 1980CARRIERA
- Anno 2004, Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica summa cum laude presso Università di Messina (Italia)
- Anno 2008, PhD in "Tecnologie Avanzate per l’Optoelettronica, Fotonica e Modellizzazione Elettromagnetica", Università di Messina
- Anno 2011, posizione di Ricercatore T.I. SSD MAT/07 - Fisica Matematica - presso Università di Messina
- Dal 2016, posizione di Professore Associato SSD MAT/07 - Fisica Matematica - presso Università di Messina
- Anno 2018, abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale a Professore di I fascia per il SSD MAT/07 - Fisica Matematica.
- Anno 2006, “Spin-transfer phenomena on magnetic heterostructures”, finanziato dal Ministero di Scienza e Tecnologia Spagnolo.
- Anno 2006, “Nano-sized microwave devices based on spin-transfer effect: tunable oscillator, frequency-selective diode, spin-torque transistor”, finanziato da Oakland University (USA)
- Anno 2007, “Spin-transfer phenomena on magnetic heterostructures”, finanziato da Ministero di Scienza e Tecnologia Spagnolo.
- Anno 2009, "Magnetization dynamics induced by spin-polarized currents", finanziato da CNISM (Ferrara, Italy)
- Anno 2010, "Calculus of the collective excitations in coupled magnetic systems", finanziato da Università di Ferrara
- Anno 2010, "Numerical analysis of the magnetization dynamics and spin-wave modes in microwave spintronic nano-oscillators driven by spin-polarized currents", finanziato da Università di Messina
Vincitore del “Premio Giovani Ricercatori 2009”, finanziato da Università di Messina, per i risultati scientifici ottenuti nell’anno 2007
- Anno 2014, Principal Investigator del “Progetto giovani ricercatori” intitolato: “Mathematical models of interest in biology, ecology and fluidodynamics: qualitative analysis, stability and search of exact solutions” e finanziato dall’INdAM-GNFM
- Anno 2016, Principal Investigator del “Progetto giovani ricercatori” intitolato: “Emergent behaviors and self-organization in hyperbolic reaction-diffusion systems with applications to biology and ecology” e finanziato dall’INdAM-GNFM
- Anno 2019, Coordinatore locale del progetto PRIN 2017 dal titolo "Multiscale phenomena in Continuum Mechanics: singular limits, off-equilibrium and transitions", codice Progetto: 2017YBKNCE. partner del progetto: Università di Palermo, Messina, Catania, Parma.
- Anno 2011, Partecipante al “Progetto Giovani Ricercatori” INdAM-GNFM intitolato: “Models of extended thermodynamics and stability of reaction-diffusion systems and fluidodynamics”
- Anno 2011, Partecipante al progetto intitolato: “Advanced simulations of current-induced dynamics in spintronic nano-devices” finanziato dal Ministero di Scienza e Tecnologia Spagnolo.
- Annos 2012-2015, Partecipante al progetto PRIN 2010-2011 intitolato “Control of magnetization dynamics in magnetic nanostructures for applications in information and communication technologies” finanziato dal MIUR
- Anno 2013, Partecipante al “Progetto Giovani Ricercatori” INdAM-GNFM intitolato: “Qualitative analysis and stability in fluidodynamics and in discrete and continuous biological models”
- Annos 2015-2017, Partecipante al progetto intitolato “Smart Process Industry Cranes”, finanziato dal consorzio Saf€ra
- Anno 2015, Partecipante al “Progetto Giovani Ricercatori” INdAM-GNFM intitolato: “An eulerian/lagrangian model for combustion fronts”
- Anno 2019, Partecipante al progetto PON R&I 2014-2020 denominato THALASSA "TecHnology And materials for safe Low consumption And low life cycle cost veSSels And craft". Partner: NAVTEC, Roma La Sapienza, Udine, CALEF, Colorificio Atria s.r.l., Azimut Benetti s.p.a.
- Anno 2021, Partecipante al progetto MISE PON “Imprese e Competività” FESR 2014–2020 denominato DAS PHANTOMSHIFFE "Sviluppo di Sistemi e processi innovative per tecnologie avanzate nella produzione di imbarcazioni eco-compatibili a bassa segnatura magnetica ed elevate schermatura elettromagnetica". Responsabile dell’obiettivo realizzativo OR4: Modellazione e ottimizzazione del comportamento di propulsori elettrici a bassa tracciatura magnetica. Partner: Università di Messina, Intermarine s.p.a., Carmec Logistica.
Membro della società "Goparallel s.r.l." ( fondata nel 2010 in collaborazioen con Università di Salamanca (Spain)
- Anno 2006, membro del comitato locale organizzatore della NATO-ASI School "Magnetic Nanostructures for Micro-Electromechanical Systems and Spintronic Applications", tenutasi a Reggio Calabria e classificata come "Priority Topic"
- Anno 2013, general co-chairman del 9th International Symposium on Hysteresis Modelling and Micromagnetics (HMM 2013), tenutosi a Messina
- Anno 2017, membro del comitato scientifico internazionale della conferenza “Applied Mathematics, Modelling and Statistics Application” (AMMSA 2017), tenutasi a Pechino
- Anno 2017, general chairman dello School & Research workshop “Mathematical modelling of self-organizations in medicine, biology and ecology: from micro to macro” (M.M.SE.OR.2017), tenutosi a Messina
Dal 2013, egli è revisore di progetti:
- German Research foundation
- Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Education
- Anni 2004-2011, Membro della IEEE Magnetics Society
- Dal 2009, Membro del Gruppo Nazionale di Fisica Matematica (INdAM-GNFM)
- Dal 2016, Membro della European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB)
- Dal 2018, Membro dell’Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti (Messina)
Nazionali: Università di Bologna, Perugia, Ferrara, Torino e Napoli.
Straniere: University of Salamanca (Spain), Valladolid (Spain), Oakland University (Michigan,USA), University of Irvine (California, USA), Göteborg University (Sweden), the Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) e University of Calgary (Canada).
Ha trascorso diversi periodi presso la maggior parte di tali Istituti come visiting researcher e professor.
- Anno 2009, Serie di lezioni sull’argomento “Spin-polarized currents and magnetization dynamics in nanomagnets” per il dottorato in Fisica dell’Università di Ferrara
- Anno 2011, Membro della Commissione Internazionale di valutazione per il corso di dottorato in “Advanced methods in modern physics”, Università di Salamanca
- Anno 2016, Membro della Commissione Internazionale di valutazione per il corso di dottorato in “Mathematics”, Indian Institute of Technologies of Madras (India)
- Anno 2017, Membro della Commissione Internazionale di valutazione per il corso di dottorato in “Applied Physics and Technology”, Università di Salamanca
- Dal 2017, Membro del collegio docenti del dottorato in “Matematica e Scienze Computazionali”, consorzio Università di Palermo, Catania e Messina
- Dal 2019, tutor di Gabriele Grifò, dottorando in “Matematica e Scienze Computazionali” (XXXV ciclo).
- Anni 2012-2017, membro del Comitato Editoriale della rivista “The Scientific World Journal” (Hindawi Publishing Corporation)
- Anno 2012, membro del Comitato Editoriale della rivista “American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences” (Science Publication)
- Anno 2012, Guest editor della rivista “Advances in Condensed matter physics” per la special issue intitolata “Low-dimensional magnetic systems” (Hindawi Publishing Corporation)
- Anni 2013-2015, membro del Comitato Editoriale della rivista “Transnational journal of pure and applied mathematics” (Jyoti Academic Press)
- Dal 2017, membro del Comitato Editoriale della collana “Theoretical and computational models in matter physics” (Aracne editrice)-
- Dal 2018, membro del Comitato Editoriale della rivista “Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society”, (Hindawi Publishing Corporation).
- Dal 2020, membro del Comitato Editoriale della rivista “Mathematics” (MDPI).
- Anno 2021, Guest Editor della special issue “Magnetoelastic effects” (Magnetochemistry, MDPI).
E’ revisore per numerose riviste scientifiche internazionali. Per citarne alcune: Scientific Reports (Nature Publ. Group), Phys. Rev. Letters, Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Rev. Appl., Appl. Phys. Lett., Journal Appl. Phys., IEEE Trans. Magn., Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Progress in Electromagn. Res., Applications and Applied Mathematics, Journal of Appl. Math., Mathematics, Current Appl. Phys., Appl. Math. Modelling, Ricerche di Matematica, Ecological Complexity.
Dall’Anno 2011 ad oggi, è stato titolare dei seguenti insegnamenti: “Matematica Industriale” (CdLM in “Ingegneria dei Materiali”); “Metodi Matematici per l’Ingegneria” (CdL in “Ingegneria Elettronica”); “Fondamenti di Matematica” (master di 2° livello in “Ingegneria Sismica”); “Matematica Applicata” (CdLM in “Ingegneria Elettronica”); “Metodi e Modelli Statistici” (CdL in “Informatica”); “Metodi e Modelli matematici per la biologia e l’ecologia” (CdLM in “Biologia ed Ecologia degli ambienti Marini Costieri”); “Matematica Applicata” (CdL in “Scienze e Tecnologia della Navigazione”); “Fisica Matematica per Ingegneria” (CdL in “Ingegneria Civile e dei Sistemi Edilizi”); “Calcolo II” (CdL in “Informatica”) e “Calculus B” (CdL in “Data Analysis” in lingua inglese).
Agli inizi del corso di dottorato, i suoi principali interessi di ricerca hanno riguardato l’ottimizzazione numerica di modelli matematici (Preisach) di isteresi magnetica scalare. Dal secondo anno di dottorato, si è interessato della modellizzazione di dinamiche di onde di spin in ferromagneti su scala mesoscopica. In particolare, ha studiato analiticamente e numericamente l’equazione di Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert-Slonczewski che è una equazione nonlineare parabolica alle derivate parziali caratterizzante le dinamiche di magnetizzazione pilotate da campi magnetici e correnti elettriche. In tale contesto, ha studiato i fenomeni che conducono all’inversione della magnetizzazione od ad un moto precessionale persistente. In questo ultimo caso, particolare enfasi è stata data al calcolo delle caratteristiche principali dei modi di onde di spin eccitati in tali sistemi ed anche alla condizioni che ne determinano il carattere propagativo od evanescente. Ha anche preso in considerazione lo studio della propagazione di pareti di dominio magnetiche, deducendo analiticamente le espressioni dei parametri caratteristici coinvolti nei vari regimi dinamici ed ha anche contribuito ad elucidare il ruolo giocato da disordine cristallino, effetti di tipo spin-orbit-torque (Rashba e Spin-Hall) ed interazioni magnetoelastiche. In questo ambito, ha anche approfondito il ruolo delle simmetrie cristalline al campo magnetoelastico ed ha studiato il moto di pareti di dominio in eterostrutture multistrato formate da uno strato piezoelettrico accoppiato con uno strato magnetostrittivo. Relativamente a questa geometria, egli ha anche analizzato le autooscillazioni a frequenza dei THz emesse in uno strato magnetostrittivo antiferromagnetico ed ha proposto una strategia di ottimizzazione basata sulla scelta opportuna del materiale piezoceramico e dell’orientazione del campo di polarizzazione dielettrica e del campo elettrico.
I suoi interessi di ricerca includono anche lo studio della formazione e la stabilità di pattern, stazionari e non, in sistemi complessi in ambito biologico ed ecologico. In particolare, è interessato a fenomeni di auto-organizzazione che avvengono in sistemi di reazione-avvezione-diffusione di tipo iperbolico che sono dedotti per il tramite della Teoria della Termodinamica Estesa.
Alla data di Maggio 2021, è autore di: 76 articoli su riviste internazionali con referee, 88 atti di congressi internazionali, 3 capitoli di libri.
L'elenco completo delle pubblicazioni è disponibile su:
Alla data di Maggio 2021, presenta i seguenti indici bibliometrici. Numero citazioni: 1422 (WoS), 1497 (Scopus), 1957 (Google Scholar). H-index: 19 (WoS), 20 (Scopus).
Date of birth: June 24th, 1980
Nationality: Italian
Nov 2016-present Associate Professor in Mathematical Physics,
Field: 01/A4 – Mathematical Physics
Department of Mathematical, Computer, Physical and Earth Sciences
University of Messina, Italy.
His scientific activity develops along two topics.
i) Modeling magnetization dynamics in ferromagnets and antiferromagnets at mesoscale.
During the first year of his PhD course, he focused on the optimization of some Preisach-based models of scalar hysteresis, with the main aim of providing a more accurate description of hysteresis loops. Then, he started investigating numerically and analytically the generalized Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert-Slonczewski equation, that is a nonlinear parabolic PDE describing magnetization dynamics driven by magnetic fields and electric currents. In this context, he has been investigating the phenomena leading to either magnetization reversal or persistent precession. In this latter case, particular emphasis has been given to the calculation of the key features of the excited spin-wave modes as well as of the conditions determining their propagating or standing character. He has been also tackling the study of domain-wall propagation, by deducing analytically the expressions of the characteristic parameters involved into the observed dynamical regimes and has been contributing in elucidating the role played by crystal disorder and spin-orbit-torque (Rashba and Spin-Hall) effects. Recently, he also focused on the role played by magnetoelastic interactions in complex hybrid structures, including ferromagnets and antiferromagnets as magnetostrictive layers. Particular emphasis was here given to the role played by the crystal symmetry of the materials under investigation.
ii) Pattern formation and stability in complex systems.
Since 2012, he has been investigating self-organization phenomena occurring in hyperbolic reaction-diffusion-advection systems that are deduced within the framework of Extended Thermodynamics Theory. On the one hand, emphasis is given in elucidating how hyperbolicity affects wave (Turing-Hopf) and Turing instability thresholds. To inspect the behavior of the emerging stationary or oscillatory patterns, he has applied both linear and multiple-scale weakly nonlinear analysis to determine the (Stuart-Landau or Ginzburg-Landau) equations which rule the spatiotemporal evolution of pattern amplitude close to criticality. This has allowed to establish the functional dependence of the coefficients involved in such equations on the inertial times, revealing some intriguing consequences and richer dynamical scenarios with respect to the parabolic counterpart. On the other hand, by means of a thorough comparison between analytical predictions and numerical simulations, he proved that inertia, apart from enlarging the region of the parameter plane where wave instability occurs, may also modulate the key features of the coherent structures, solution of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation. Indeed, it was proven that inertial effects play a role, not only during transient regime from the spatially-homogeneous steady state toward the patterned state, but also in altering the amplitude, the wavelength, the angular frequency, and even the stability of the phase-winding solutions. The use of a hyperbolic framework has been successfully applied to different fields, ranging from biology (spread of epidemics and prey-predator dynamics) to ecology (desertification of arid environments). Recently, he has also started the study of some applications to chemistry, with particular emphasis on hyperbolic models for corrosion of the bottom part of fuel tanks.
He has published 79 articles in peer-reviewed international journals and 3 book chapters, leading to:
-1608 citations and an H-index of 20 (source Scopus);
-2099 citations and H-index of 22 (source Google scholar).
He has also given 11 invited talks in international conferences.
Mar 2008 Ph.D. in “Advanced Technologies for Optoelectronics, Photonics and Electromagnetic modeling”, with the dissertation titled “Macromagnetic Modeling of Scalar Hysteresis and Micromagnetic Modeling of Magnetization Dynamics Driven by Spin-Polarized Current in Spintronic Devices”, UNIME, Italy.
Apr 2004 M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering (cum laude), UNIME, Italy.
2012 - 2016 Researcher in Mathematical Physics (SSD MAT/07, SC 01/A4), University of Messina, Italy.
2011 Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Messina, Italy.
2009 – 2010 Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Ferrara, Italy.
2009 Post-doctoral Fellow, CNISM, Ferrara, Italy.
2007 Research Grant, University of Salamanca, Spain.
2006 Research Grant, Oakland University, Michigan, USA.
2006 Research Grant, University of Salamanca, Spain.
2021-2024 Participant of the project MISE PON “Imprese e Competività” 2014 – 2020 FESR and Coordinator of the WP “modelling and optimization of the behavior of electric engines with low-magnetic signature” for the project entitled:
“Development of Ahead Systems and Processes for Highly Advanced Technologies for low magnetic signature and highly efficient electromagnetic shielded vessels” (DAS PHANTOMSHIFFE).
Partners: Intermarine s.p.a., Carmec Logistica.
Amount funded: € 3.839.287,50.
2019-2022 Participant of the project PON R&I 2014-2020
"TecHnology And materials for safe Low consumption And low life cycle cost veSSels And craft" (THALASSA).
Partners: NAVTEC, Roma La Sapienza, Udine, CALEF, Colorificio Atria s.r.l., Azimut Benetti s.p.a.
Amount funded: € 9.663.046,74.
2019-2021 Research Unit Leader of the National Project MIUR PRIN 2017
"Multiscale phenomena in Continuum Mechanics: singular limits, off-equilibrium and transitions "
Project code: 2017YBKNCE.
Partners: University of Palermo, Catania, Parma. Amount funded: € 270.000.
2016 PI of the “Young Researchers Project”, INdAM - GNFM
"Emerging behavior and self-organization in hyperbolic reaction-diffusion systems with applications to biology and ecology”.
Partners: University of Palermo, Catania, Napoli, Bologna, Ferrara. Amount funded: € 6.000.
2015-2017 Participant of the project SAF€RA
“Smart PRocess INdustry CranEs" (SPRINCE).
Partners: University of Belgrado, Brno. Amount funded: € 98.000.
2014 PI of the “Young Researchers Project”, INdAM - GNFM
"Mathematical models of interest in biology, ecology and fluid dynamics: qualitative analysis, stability analysis and search of exact solutions.
Partner: University of Catania and Padova. Amount funded: € 4.000.
2012-2015 Participant of the MIUR-PRIN project 2010-2011
"Control of magnetization dynamics in magnetic nanostructures for ICT applications"
Project code: 2010ECA8P3.
Partners: University of Naples, Torino, Perugia and INRIM. Amount funded: € 1.357.440.
2011 Foreign collaborator, project funded by Ministerio de Cienca y Tecnologia, Junta de Castilla y Leon (Spain).
"Simulación avanzada de la dinámica inducida por corrientes de espín de configuraciones magnéticas no homogéneas en dispositivos nano-espintrónicos" (“advanced simulations of magnetization dynamics driven by spin- polarized-currents in spintronic nanodevices”).
Project code: MAT2011-28532-C03-01.
2011 Participant of the “Young Researchers Project”, INdAM - GNFM
“Models in extended thermodynamics and stability of reaction-diffusion-systems and fluid-dynamics”.
Partners: University of Padova, Catania. Amount funded: € 2.500.
2006 Foreign collaborator, project funded by National Science Foundation (USA)
“Nano-Sized Microwave Devices Based on Spin Transfer Effect: Tunable Oscillator, Frequency-Selective Diode, Spin-Torque Transistor”
Partners: Oakland University, Rochester (USA), US Army
2005-present Supervised more than 20 Master’s students in Civil, Electronic and Industrial Engineering
2009-present Supervised 2 PhD Students in “Advanced Technologies for Optoelectronics, Photonics and Electromagnetic modeling”
2019-present Supervising 2 PhD Students in “Mathematics and Computational Sciences”.
2021-present Supervising 2 Post-doctoral fellow students
- 2022-present “Pattern dynamics in hyperbolic reaction-advection-diffusion systems”, PhD course in “Mathematics and Computational Sciences”, Universities of Palermo, Messina, Catania.
- 2021-present “Mathematics and Statistics”, PhD course in “Bioengineering applied to medical sciences”, University of Messina.
- 2020-present "Calculus B", bachelor's degree in Computer Science (teaching in English language)
- 2017-present “Applied Mathematics”, bachelor’s degree in “Science and Technology of Navigation”
- 2017-present “Mathematical Physics for Engineering”, bachelor’s degree in “Civil and Construction Engineering”
- 2014-present “Mathematical models and methods in biology and ecology”, master’s degree in “Biology and Ecology of Marine Environments” (both in Italian and English languages)
- 2014-2016 “Statistical models and methods”, bachelor’s degree in “Computer Science”
- 2012-2014 “Applied Mathematics” (Lagrangian Mechanics and EDPs), master’s degree in “Electronic Engineering”
- 2011-2012 “Mathematical Methods for Engineering”, bachelor’s degree in “Electronic Engineering”
- 2011 “Fundamentals of Mathematics”, 2nd-level master degree in “Earthquake Engineering”
- 2011-2013 “Industrial Mathematics” (Lagrangian Mechanics and EDPs), master’s degree in “Materials Engineering”
- 2009 Series of seminars for PhD students in Physics (University of Ferrara, Italy) “Spin-wave dynamics induced by spin-polarized currents in magnetic heterostructures. Mathematical models and physical interpretation.”
- 2006 “Micromagnetic modelling of processes induced by spin polarized currents in point-contact geometries”, Lecture given at the NATO-ASI School “Magnetic Nanostructures for Micro-Electromechanical Systems and Spintronic Applications”, Catona (Italy)
2022 Member of the organizing/scientific committee of the Workshop “Evolution in discrete and continuous mechanics: stability, transients, and asymptotics”, Bressanone, 1-3 April 2022
2020-present Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal “Mathematics”, MDPI
2018-present Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal “Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society”, Hindawi Publishing Corporation
2017 General Chairman of the School and Research Workshop on “Mathematical Modelling of self-organizations in medicine, biology and ecology” (M.M.SE.OR.2017), Giardini Naxos, Messina, Italy, 18-21 September 2017.
2012 Member of the organizing committee of the “Study days on models of continuum dynamics” (in honor of G. Grioli, in the occasion of his 100-th birthday), Messina, Italy, 13-14 April 2012
2013 General co-Chairman and member of the scientific committee of the international conference “Hysteresis Modelling and Micromagnetics (HMM 2013)”, Taormina, Messina, Italy, 13-15 May 2013.
2017 Member of the international steering committee of the international conference “Applied Mathematics, Modelling and Statistics Application” (AMMSA 2017), Beijing (China), 21-22 May 2017
2006 Member of the organizing/scientific committee of the NATO-ASI (Advanced Study Institute) school “Magnetic Nanostructures for Micro-Electromechanical Systems and Spintronic Applications”, 2-15 July 2006, Reggio Calabria, classified as “Priority Topic” for the year 2006.
2017-present Member of the PhD School in “Mathematics and Computational Sciences”, Universities of Palermo, Catania and Messina, Italy.
2018 Achievement of the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as Full Professor for the Field 01/A4 “Mathematical Physics”.
Since 2022 Member of the Italian Mathematical Union (UMI)
2018-present Associate Member of the Academy “Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali”, Messina
2016-present Member of European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB)
2009-present Member of the National Group for Mathematical Physics (G.N.F.M.) of INdAM
2008 Research grant for the development of the patent no. PCTI2007/000071 for the design of the device “acoustic-tactile mouse”. Funded by: Mediavoice s.r.l.
2020 Member of the inventor team of the OSAS Mandibular Advancing Device (MAD), no. 24885, dated: 04/03/2020 (University of Messina).
I dati visualizzati nella sezione sono recuperati dalla Procedura Gestione Carriere e Stipendi del Personale (CSA), dalla Procedura Gestione Studenti (ESSE3), da Iris e dal Sito Docenti MIUR.