Natalizia Miceli was born in Messina (Italy) May 20th 1972. She is currently a researcher in Scientific Disciplinary Sector (S.D.S.) BIO/15 – Pharmaceutical Biology- at the Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences, University of Messina (ITALY). In november 2018, she obtained the National Scientific Abilitation (ASN) for the position of Associate Professor in 05/A1 Botanica.
The scientific research activity - documented by articles published in national and international scientific journal, proceedings of national and international conferences, international book chapters of monographs - concerns the phytochemical study and the evaluation of the "in vivo" and "in vitro" biological activities of extracts obtained from plants belonging to Mediterranean flora and/or employed in Traditional medicine.
Master's Degree in Pharmacy with honours, Ph. D. in Pharmacognosy, Postgraduate Degree Specialization in “Hospital Pharmacy”, University of Messina; Post graduated course in Oncologic Pharmacy, University of Milan.
Fellowship at the University of Messina with the Project entitled “Natural and Synthetic Anti-inflammatory remedies: evaluation of selective inhibition of inducible cyclooxygenase COX-2” (S.D.S. BIO/14). Member of the board of the Ph.D. course in “Pharmacognosy” and of the Ph.D. course in “Applied biology and experimental medicine”. Grant for Training Mobility at the Department of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
Principle investigator and Member of several research projects; doctoral advisor and supervisor of research projects financed by the University of Messina; reviewer of international scientific journals as Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Food Chemistry, Food and Chemical Toxicology ect.. Member of the Editorial Board (Associate Editor) of the Journal “Tang, International journal of genuine traditional medicine”, of the Journal “BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine” a SCOPUS indexed journal, I.F. 2,258, and of the Editorial Board of the Journal Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, indexed in SCOPUS and WEB OF SCIENCE.
Main scientific international collaborations: Ankara University and University of Selcuk, Konya, (Turkey), Institute of Food Research Park, Norwich (UK), Université Mentouri, Constantine (Algérie), Weill Cornell Medical College New York, (USA), (Turkey), National Research Centre, Giza (Egypt), Jagellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
Member of some scientific society as Italian Society of Pharmacognosy (Società Italiana di Farmacognosia SIPHAR), Italian Society of Hospital Pharmacy (Società Italiana di Farmacia Ospedaliera - SIFO), Italian Society of Botany (Società Italiana di Botanica SBI) and “Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti”.