Maria Gabriella

Struttura:Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Profilo: Professori Associati
Posizione attualeDal 29/12/06 è professore associato di Automatica (ssd ING-INF/04).
Dal 7/3/06 afferisce al Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Università degli Studi di Messina.
Posizioni precedenti
-Dal 15/03/1995 al 15/02/1996: Borsa di studio CNR dal titolo "Applications of the quaternionic algebra to robotics".
-Dal 10/04/1996 al 9/04/1998: Borsa post-dottorato, Dipartimento Elettrico Elettronico e Sistemistico, Università di Catania.
-Dal 15/05/98 al 28/12/06: ricercatore del settore ING-INF 04, "Università degli Studi di Messina.
-17/7/91 Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica, Univesrità degli Studi di Catania.
-23/11/95 Dottore di Ricerca in Ingegneria Elettrica, Università degli Studi di Catania, tesi: "Learning algorithms in hypercomplex algebra and prediction of chaotic phenomena in circuits and dynamical systems".
Attività di ricerca:
- Identificazione e modellistica di sistemi nonlinear;
-Sensori virtuali per l'industria;
- Supervisione di processi industriali;
- Machine learning;
- Modelli di ordine ridotto;
- Sistemi di ordine non intero.
Attività didattiche attuali:
-Controlli Automatici, Corso di Laurea triennale in Ingegneria Elettronica ed informatica
-Industrial Automation and Robotics, Corso di Laurea magistrale in Engineering and Computer Science
Altre attività didattiche:
-2013 BCI human-machine interaction, II level Master in Tecnologie della salute e bioingegneria, Reggio Calabria
-2014 Course in 'Design Tools. Process simulation, device simulation, data processing. Project "Elettronica su Plastica per Sistemi Smart disposable - PLAST_Ics", University of Catania
-Dal 2020: è membro del collegio dei docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in Information Engineering, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria.
-2017-2020: membro del collegio dei docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in Cyber Physical Systems, Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università di Messina.
-2012-2016: membro del collegio dei docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria civile, ambientale e della sicurezza, DICEAM "Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria", Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università di Messina.
-1999-2005 membro del collegio dei docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in Advanced technologies for information engineering, Università di Messina
-Relatore di 3 tesi di Dottorato.
-2017 - Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), Belgium, membro dell' Experts Board for the selection of PhD candidates.
-2021 Membro della commissione di selezione per un posto di Tenure-Eligible Lecturer, University of Girona, Spain.
Progetti di ricerca e collaborazioni scientifiche
-Dal 2011 al 2013 è stata responsabile del DICIEAMA per le attività di ricerca svolte in collaborazione col DIEEI (Università di Catania) nell'ambito del progetto POR SICILIA 'Verichim', Sviluppo di sensori virtuali per impianti di depurazione delle acque.
- Dal 1999 al 2006 è stata responsabile delle attività di ricerca con ERG Petroli - Raffineria ISAB, Priolo Gargallo (SR): "Virtual sensors for monitoring and control of petrochemical industrial companies"
-Nel 2011 ha collaborato all' European Project Tempus CD_JEP-41112-2006 - University of Nis (Serbia) "Development of Master Study Programmes in Telecommunications and Control".
Ha inoltre collaborato con il "Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Elettronica e dei Sistemi" dell' Università di Catania ai seguenti progetti:
-MURST 40% 92/95 Research unit of Catania, "Model identification, control systems, signal processing"
-MURST 98/99 Research unit of Catania, "Algorithms and architectures for the identification and control of industrial systems"
-ASI project "Intelligent modular systems" (1997-99)
-CRUI-British Council 2000 project, "Intelligent control of buildings with natural ventilation", University of Catania - University of Portsmouth (U.K.),
-MURST 00/01 Research unit of Catania "Identification and fault diagnosis, supervision and control retuning in processes of industrial automation"
-Thematic research networks Brite-Euram CLAWAR (Climbing and Walking Robot) 98/02
-Research project PON (Art 12 DM 593 8-8-00) TECSIS TEChnologies for the diagnosis and Intelligent Systems for the development of archaeological parks in South Italy (2002-2005)
-PRIN 2004 Research Unit of Catania "Control of motion in innovative locomotion and navigation systems in unstructured environments"
-PRIN 2005 Research Unit of Catania "Neurons at the Edge of chaos: analysis and applications to the neuromorphic processing"
-PRIN 2008 Research Unit of Catania "Analytic models of electromechanical transduction in polymeric IP2C transductor"
-Joint European Torus (EURATOM), Abington, U.K.: "Validation of stress sensors measurements in Tokamak" (1999).
-ENEA Frascati (Roma): "Techniques based on artificial intelligence for the diagnosis of FTU" (Frascati Tokamak Upgrade) (1999-2003).
-ST Microelectronics – Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing Group: "Complex dynamics and nonlinear circuits: application aspects towards industrial intelligent control" (1998/99), "Innovative techniques for sensors in unstructured environments: modellistics, robust control and actuation towards motion control" (1999/00).
E' stata membro deil comitato scientifico7organizzatore delle conferenze internazionali:
-6th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, Catania, 17-19 September 2003.
-IEEE Central and South Italy Chapters of 'Circuits and Systems Society, Nuclear and Plasma Science Society', 'Models of complex systems in industrial companies and the research', University of Catania, 21/6/2002.
-Workshop CLAWAR "Climbing Robots for Maintenance and Inspections: Barriers to exploitation", 20/06/01 the University of Catania.
-"6th IEEE Int. Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their applications", CNNA 2000, Catania,23-25/5/2000.
-"NDES 2000, IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic System", Catania, 18-20/5/00
-ICNSC 2017 14th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, May 16-18, 2017, Calabria
-European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design 2017 (ECCTD2017), Catania, Italy, 4-6 September 2017
-INDIN '18, Lisbona, Portugal, Organizer of the Special Session "Advances in Soft Sensors, Methods, Practices, and Applications"
- NDES 2018, IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic System", Catania, Italy
- SEAHF'18, Madrid, Spain
-Codit '19, Paris, France, Organizer of the Special Session "Fractional-order systems: theory and applications"
-Intelli2019, Roma, Italy
-Codit '20
Attività editoriali
Membro dell' Editorial Board delle riviste Sensors (MDPI), Future Internet (MDPI), Applied Science, Guest editor of the special issues of Sensors MDPI 'Soft Sensors and Intelligent Algorithms for Data Fusion" (2017), Future Internet MDPI 'Innovative topologies and algorithms for neural networks' (2018), Sensors MDPI 'Deep Learning-based Soft Sensors" (2019), Sensors MDPI 'Polymeric sensors' (2019), Applied Science MDPI "Recent Development and Challenges of Soft sensors design" (2020)
E' revisore per numerose riviste scientifiche internazionali, tra cui:
-IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurements;
-IEEE Trans. Control System Technology;
-Control Engineering Practice,
-Information Science;
-Chaos Solitons and Fractals;
-International Journal on Bifurcation and Chaos;
-IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks;
-IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering;
-MDPI Sensor;
-MDPI Applied Science;
-Chemical Engineering Science;
-Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory;
-ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control.
Autore di 137 pubblicazioni scientifiche su riviste internazionali e atti di convegni internazionali e di 5 libri.
Metrics su Scopus: documents 123, citations 1790, H-index 18
Metrics su Web of Science: documents 111, citations 1.600, H-index 16
Metrics su Google Scholar: documents: 142, citations 3793, H-index 25
ACTUAL POSITIONSince 29/12/06 she is an associate professor of Automation.
Since 7/3/06 she is at "Dipartimento di Ingegneria" of the University of Messina, Italy.
-From 15/03/1995 to 15/02/1996: CNR grant on behalf of the Robotic Project "Applications of the quaternionic algebra to robotics".
-From 10/04/1996 to 9/04/1998: post-doc grant at the Dipartimento Elettrico Elettronico e Sistemistico of the University of Catania.
-From 15/05/98 to 28/12/06: assistant professor of "Automation", University of Messina.
-17/7/91 Laurea Degree in Electronic Engineering at the University of Catania.
-23/11/95 PhD in Electric Engineering at the University of Catania, final dissertation: "Learning algorithms in hypercomplex algebra and prediction of chaotic phenomena in circuits and dynamical systems".
Scientific interests:
- Nonlinear system identification and modelling;
- Data-driven soft-sensors and industrial processes identification;
- Supervision and control of complex plants;
- Machine learning;
- Model-order reduction;
- Fractional order systems
Current didactic activities:
-Automatic Control at the Corso di Laurea triennale in Ingegneria Elettronica ed informatica
-Industrial Automation and Robotics at the Corso di Laurea magistrale in Engineering and Computer Science
Other didactic activities
-2013 BCI human-machine interaction, II level Master in Tecnologie della salute e bioingegneria, Reggio Calabria
-2014 Course in 'Design Tools. Process simulation, device simulation, data processing. Project "Elettronica su Plastica per Sistemi Smart disposable - PLAST_Ics", University of Catania
-Since 2020: a member of the Doctoral Board in the PhD Course in Information Engineering, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria.
-2017-2020: member of the Doctoral Board in the PhD Course in Cyber Physical Systems, Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università di Messina.
-2012-2016: member of the Doctoral Board in the PhD Course in Ingegneria civile, ambientale e della sicurezza, DICEAM "Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria", Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università di Messina.
-1999-2005 member of the Doctoral Board in the PhD Course in Advanced technologies for information engineering, Università di Messina
-Advisor of 3 PhD students.
-2017 - Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), Belgium, member of the Experts Board for the selection of PhD candidates.
-From 2011 to 2013 she was responsible for the DICIEAMA of the research activity with the DIEEI (University of Catania) in the Project POR SICILIA 'Verichim', on virtual sensors for wastewater plants.
- From 1999 to 2006 she was responsible for the research activities with ERG Petroli - Raffineria ISAB, Priolo Gargallo (SR): "Virtual sensors for monitoring and control of petrochemical industrial companies"
She has been responsible for the following projects at the University of Messina:
-1999: 'Non-conventional techniques for the modellistics and fault detection of petrochemical industrial companies'
-2000: 'Techniques for the identification and fault diagnosis of sensors in industrial automation processes in petrochemical and nuclear fusion plants'
-2001: 'Modellistics and control of thermo-fluid-dynamical systems with natural circulation
-2002: 'Control of underwater vehicles'
-2003: 'Design techniques for finite horizon predictors in the industrial area'
-2004: 'Nonlinear methods for virtual sensors stacking'
In 2011 she collaborated with the European Project Tempus CD_JEP-41112-2006 - University of Nis (Serbia) "Development of Master Study Programmes in Telecommunications and Control".
In 2013 she collaborated to the Progetto Sistema Integrato per il MONitoraggio della produzione di Energia elettrica, DICIEAMA, Università di Messina, Linea di intervento del POR FESR Sicilia 2007-2013
She also collaborated with the Automation Group at the "Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Elettronica e dei Sistemi" of the University of Catania to the following projects:
-MURST 40% 92/95 Research unit of Catania, "Model-identification, control systems, signal processing"
-MURST 98/99 Research unit of Catania, "Algorithms and architectures for the identification and control of industrial systems"
-ASI project "Intelligent modular systems" (1997-99)
-CRUI-British Council 2000 project, "Intelligent control of buildings with natural ventilation", University of Catania - University of Portsmouth (U.K.),
-MURST 00/01 Research unit of Catania "Identification and fault diagnosis, supervision and control retuning in processes of industrial automation"
-Thematic research networks Brite-Euram CLAWAR (Climbing and Walking Robot) 98/02
-Research project PON (Art 12 DM 593 8-8-00) TECSIS TEChnologies for the diagnosis and Intelligent Systems for the development of archaeological parks in South Italy (2002-2005)
-PRIN 2004 Research Unit of Catania "Control of motion in innovative locomotion and navigation systems in unstructured environments"
-PRIN 2005 Research Unit of Catania "Neurons at the Edge of chaos: analysis and applications to the neuromorphic processing"
-PRIN 2008 Research Unit of Catania "Analytic models of electromechanical transduction in polymeric IP2C transductor"
She collaborated along with the Automation Group of the "Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Elettronica e dei Sistemi" of the University of Catania with:
-Joint European Torus (EURATOM), Abington, U.K.: "Validation of stress sensors measurements in Tokamak" (1999).
-ENEA Frascati (Roma): "Techniques based on artificial intelligence for the diagnosis of FTU" (Frascati Tokamak Upgrade) (1999-2003).
-ST Microelectronics – Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing Group: "Complex dynamics and nonlinear circuits: application aspects towards industrial intelligent control" (1998/99), "Innovative techniques for sensors in unstructured environments: modellistics, robust control and actuation towards motion control" (1999/00).
Scientific/organizing committees she was a member of:
-6th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, Catania, 17-19 September 2003.
-IEEE Central and South Italy Chapters of 'Circuits and Systems Society, Nuclear and Plasma Science Society', 'Models of complex systems in industrial companies and the research', University of Catania, 21/6/2002.
-Workshop CLAWAR "Climbing Robots for Maintenance and Inspections: Barriers to exploitation", 20/06/01 the University of Catania.
-"6th IEEE Int. Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their applications", CNNA 2000, Catania,23-25/5/2000.
-"NDES 2000, IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic System", Catania, 18-20/5/00
-ICNSC 2017 14th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, May 16-18, 2017, Calabria
-European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design 2017 (ECCTD2017), Catania, Italy, 4-6 September 2017
-INDIN '18, Lisbona, Portugal, Organizer of the Special Session "Advances in Soft Sensors, Methods, Practices, and Applications"
- NDES 2018, IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic System", Catania, Italy
- SEAHF'18, Madrid, Spain
-Codit '19, Paris, France, Organizer of the Special Session "Fractional-order systems: theory and applications"
-Intelli2019, Roma, Italy
-Codit '20
Member of the Editorial Board of Sensors (MDPI), Future Internet (MDPI), Applied Science, Guest editor of the special issues of Sensors MDPI 'Soft Sensors and Intelligent Algorithms for Data Fusion" (2017), Future Internet MDPI 'Innovative topologies and algorithms for neural networks' (2018), Sensors MDPI 'Deep Learning-based Soft Sensors" (2019), Sensors MDPI 'Polymeric sensors' (2019), Applied Science MDPI "Recent Development and Challenges of Soft sensors design" (2020)
She serves as Referee for several international Journal, indexed on WoS and Scopus, including:
-IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurements;
-IEEE Trans. Control System Technology;
-Control Engineering Practice,
-Information Science;
-Chaos Solitons and Fractals;
-International Journal on Bifurcation and Chaos;
-IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks;
-IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering;
-MDPI Sensor;
-MDPI Applied Science;
-Chemical Engineering Science;
-Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory;
-ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control.
Author of 137 scientific papers on international journals and conference proceedings and 5 books.
Metrics on Scopus: documents 123, citations 1790, H-index 18
Metrics on Web of Science: documents 111, citations 1.600, H-index 16
Metrics on Google Scholar: documents 142, citations 3793, H-index 25
I dati visualizzati nella sezione sono recuperati dalla Procedura Gestione Carriere e Stipendi del Personale (CSA), dalla Procedura Gestione Studenti (ESSE3), da Iris e dal Sito Docenti MIUR.