Innovate Competition, a iMed Conference 14.0 competition.

The Innovate Competition is aimed at undergraduate and master Life Sciences’ students, integrated in research groups, who are challenged to present their current innovative project to a jury. The project can be either Basic or Translational Research.

The participants may enroll individually or in pairs. However, only one will be allowed to orally present the project. 

The final selected abstracts will be presented during the iMed Conference®, which will take place in Lisbon, from October 12th until October 16th. The Innovate Competition will take place on October 13th



The winning projects within the two categories of the competition - Basic and Translational Research - will be awarded a Research Grant, value to be disclosed. 

The Principal Investigator’s lab responsible for the research project must commit, through a letter of recommendation, to support the candidate's application and the development of the candidate’s project.


CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: February 6th to March 26th 2021



Sent us the following documents through this link.

  1. Abstract (based on the results obtained with your research project, and following the Abstract Model available on the Rules of Procedure of the competition);

  2. Proof of High Education Enrollment (School Year 2020/2021);

  3. Annexes (Letter of Recommendation; Term of Responsibility; Informed Consent; Declaration of Conflicts of Interest) – models provided here

  4. Participant personal contact (phone number).


Here you may find the Rules of Procedure of the Innovate Competition, and a simplified explanation of the competition, which we would be grateful if you could divulge with the students of your institution.

Please feel free to contact us if you have further questions, through the following email:

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