Due to the evolution of the epidemiological situation, Policlinico "G. Martino" hospital has been identified by the Sicilian Region as the reference hospital for Covid-19 patients of the province of Messina.
Lessons in presence at the Policlinico "G. Martino" hospital have been suspended.
Therefore first semester lessons will be delivered exclusively online strarting October, 16 2020.
For further information: https://www.unime.it/it/informa/notizie/sospensione-attivit%C3%A0-didattiche-al-policlinico-l%E2%80%99accesso-tutte-le-altre-strutture
For students connecting for the first time, if you would like to be added to the online lesson platform, please do the following:
Go to this link: https://fad.unime.it/#/ or https://international.unime.it/2019/05/03/coronavirus-measures/
You will find it in Italian and is not available in English at the moment. If you have a problem understanding, you can use google translate.
The names of the courses are available at the following link: https://www.unime.it/it/cds/medicine-and-surgery/teaching-activity/insegnamenti
You should plug the names of the courses you have to follow into the boxes provided. That should get you going.