We would like to inform you that the current situation of the COVID-19 is constantly monitored and under control in Messina.
Due to this fact, on September 4, 2020 the Academic Senate and the Board of Directors approved the programmatic guidelines for the restart of teaching activities 2020/2021.
Lessons - specially for classes with compulsory attendance such as Medicine and Surgery - at the University of Messina will be held in person, safeguarding individual and public health.
Recommendations for students:
Access to the University will be allowed only to students with masks and in possession of a reservation for one or more lessons during the day. Booking your seat in the classroom is equivalent to declaring that you have taken full knowledge of and agree to respect the rules contained in the anti-contagion protocols adopted by the University of Messina, which can also be consulted online at https: // www. unime.it/it/ateneo/sapp/disposizioni- materia-di-emergenza-covid, in particular health and hygiene regulations, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and keeping safety distances.
Appealing to everyone's responsibility, the following conditions must be strictly observed in order to access University classrooms:
- Not having been in quarantine/home isolation, nor having returned from geographical areas for which molecular tests are required, in the two weeks prior to access;
- Not being aware of having had contact with COVID-19 positive people in the past two weeks;
- Not presenting or having presented respiratory symptoms and/or body temperature above 37.5°C in the last three days.
In case of symptoms of acute respiratory infections, i.e. fever, cough or cold, or if you are awaiting the results of a possible swab, you must cancel your booking and not go to the University or other public places.
Each university site, as well as the classrooms, will be equipped with specific signs in order to guarantee the correct movement of people and the correct seats in the classroom.
In order to enter the university it will be necessary to show a QR code generated by the UnimePass https://accessi.unime.it (it will be available from the 5th of October). You will access using your Microsoft Teams name and password. After you log in, you can generate the QR code by clicking on “codice d’accesso”. Only one personal code will be generated, which must be shown to the person that will measure your temperature at the entrance in order to enter the university.
Once you are in the classroom, the professor will ask you to insert a code (he will tell you the code) in the App called “Rilevazione Frequenze” which you need to download.
You can click on “Marcatura” and you will insert the code on “codice alfanumerico”:
Remembering that effective prevention depends on the compliance with all rules of conduct identified by national and supranational organisations, the student is strictly required to:
- Sanitize hands upon entering the classroom, using the apposite products contained in dedicated dispensers;
- Maintain the established position for the whole lesson, respecting the physical distance, which represents a preventive rule of priority importance;
- Avoid gatherings even outside the classroom and follow the instructions in order to respect an orderly management of flows;
- Not to enter classrooms other than the one assigned;
- Respect all other rules of conduct indicated in the reference infographics;
- Use of lifts is reserved for students who cannot use the stairs for reasons of specific fragility.
News is available on UNIME homepage: https://www.unime.it/it/slider/modalit%C3%A0-di-svolgimento-delle-attivit%C3%A0-didattiche-il-primo-semestre-dell%E2%80%99aa-2020-21