The course of Italian language will start on November 28. The course is intended only for II year students who registered by sending an e-mail to: amministrazione.dicam@unime.it and in cc uopwelcomeoffice@unime.it
I year students have the course scheduled for the II semester.
Lessons will follow the schedule attached, and will be from 2:30 to 4:30 pm. Home of the course is the Polo Didattico Interfacoltà (Aulario), on via Pietro Castelli (here is the position: https://goo.gl/maps/ftzEfuYuPibjq6nq7).
Your instructor's name is prof. Roberta Longo. If you won't attend the first class, or if you have decided not to attend the course, please inform as soon as possible prof. Fabio Ruggiano fruggiano@unime.it
Students who are not native Italian speakers must acquire a minimum level of the Italian language at the B1 level in order to attend the 3rd year of the Single Cycle degree Course in Medicine and Surgery. Italian language courses are organized at the Department of Ancient and Modern Civilizations. It will attests the achievement of the B1 (CEFR) level.
For further information please see the following link: https://international.unime.it/services-and-facilities/learning-italian-2/