Bandi e Concorsi: 
Public Competition for admission to PhD Courses 35° Cycle

Published in register at No. 82 of 12.07.2019 the Public Competition by qualifications and examinations, for the admission to thirteen PhD courses in the University of Messina - XXXV cycle: Bioengineering Applied to Medical Sciences; Applied Biology and Experimental Medicine; Economics, Management and Statistics; Physics; Civil, Environmental and Safety Engineering; Engineering and Chemistry of Materials and of Constructions; Chemical Sciences; Cognitive Sciences; Legal Sciences; Political Sciences; Historical, Archaeological and Philological Sciences; Veterinary Sciences; Translational Molecular Medicine and Surgery.

The procedure for submitting the application for participation in the selection is available at the link

Data Pubblicazione: 
Venerdì, Luglio 12, 2019
Scadenza Presentazione Domanda: 
Lunedì, Agosto 12, 2019 (Tutto il giorno)

Public Competition for admission to PhD Courses XXXV° Cycle - Rectoral Decree 1498/2019 prot. No. 68053, July 12th 2019  

Lunedì, Agosto 12, 2019
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