The UniME team partner of a new Project funded by the Italian Ministry of Education University and Research

The UniME team partner of the new Project funded by the Italian Ministry of Education University and Research:
Overtime tectonic, dynamic and rheologic control on destructive multiple seismic events - Special Italian Faults & Earthquakes: from real 4D cases to models
The Project, leaded for Messina University by Prof. Barbara Orecchio, is intended to study tectonic, dynamic and rheological control on seismogenic extensional faulting. The research activity focuses on 4 M7-class multi-event Special EarthQuakes: Irpinia 1980, Reggio-Messina 1908, Lucania 1857, South Calabria 1783. These events and their host structures are analysed in an innovative overtime (Quaternary and active) and multi-scale (local to regional) perspective with an integrated interdisciplinary (geology, seismology, geophysics) approach.

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