Carmelo Mario

Profilo: Professori Ordinari
Titoli accademici e professionali (Selezione per titolo e/o colloquio)- 2017 Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale a professore di prima fascia, settore concorsuale 11/E1 (Psicologia Generale, Psicobiologia e Psicometria).
- 2016 Docente Onorario (Honorary Lecture) presso la Bangor University, Galles, Regno Unito.
-2016 Docente Aggiunto (Adjunt Assistant professor), University of Maryland University College, Italy.
- 2010 Dottore di Ricerca Europeo in “Neuroplasticita’ e Riabilitazione delle Funzioni Cognitive”, conseguito presso l’Universita’ di Roma, La Sapienza, Italia.
- 2007 Abilitazione all’esercizio della professione di Psicologo.
- 2006 Master in Valutazione Psicologica, Universita’ di Palermo, Italia.
- 2004 Laurea Magistrale in Psicologia (Summa cum Laude), Universita’ di Palermo, Italia.
Attuali posizioni lavorative e/o accademiche:
- Marzo 2018: Professore Associato di Neuroscienze Cognitive, Dipartimento COSPECS, Università di Messina, Italia.
- Luglio 2018: Presidente del cds in Psicologia e Neuroscienze Cognitive, Università di Messina, Italia.
- Luglio 2019: Presidente del Comitato Etico interno, Dipartimento COSPECS, Università di Messina, Italia.
- Gennaio 2020: Direttore scientifico del laboratorio di Neuroscienze Cognitive, Università di Messina, Italia.
- Novembre 2020: Garante scientifico presso la scuola di specializzazione Istituto di Terapia Familiare di Reggio Calabria e Messina
Posizioni lavorative precedenti
- Dicembre 2017- Marzo 2018: Von Humboldt Research Fellow for Experienced Scientist, Dortmund, Germany.
- Agosto 2016 - novembre 2017: Adjunct Assistant Professor in Psychology, University of Maryland University College Europe, Sigonella, Sicily, Italy.
- Settembre 2016 - Dicembre 2017: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (B2 level), University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.
- Marzo 2014 - Marzo 2016: Senior Research Fellow (Level 9), Bangor University, Bangor, Uk.
- Gennaio 2013 - Marzo 2014: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (A8 level), University of Queensland, Australia.
- Aprile 2010 - Aprile 2012: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (Senior level), International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy.
Incarichi istituzionali
- Settembre 2015 Esaminatore esterno per il conseguimento del titolo Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), presso il Lincoln College, University of Oxford, Uk.
- Dicembre 2016 Membro del collegio di dottorato in Scienze Cognitive, Università di Messina, Italia.
- Novembre 2018, Membro Commissione Ricerca e Internazionalizzazione, Università di Messina, Italia.
- Marzo 2019 Incarico (membro della commissione) per la valutazione comparativa delle domande pervenute per un posto di docente a contratto (SSD M-PSI/03), Università di Messina, Italia.
- Maggio 2019 Incarico per la valutazione comparativa delle domande pervenute per un posto di tutor specializzato in supporto a studenti con disabilità, Università di Messina, Italia.
- Luglio 2019 Incarico (membro della commissione) per la valutazione comparativa delle domande pervenute per un posto di RTDA (SSD M-PSI/02), Università di Messina, Italia.
- Novembre 2019, incarico (membro della commissione) per la valutazione comparativa delle domande pervenute per un assegno di ricerca (titolo del progetto, “Integrazione e migrazione legale”), Università di Messina, Italia.
- Dicembre 2019, Incarico (membro della commissione) per la valutazione comparativa delle domande pervenute per la selezione di docenti Universitari coinvolti in attivita’ di Formazione e supervisione del tutorato e in Attività di orientamento.
- Febbraio 2020 Incarico (membro della commissione) per la valutazione comparativa delle domande pervenute per un posto di docente a contratto (SSD M-PSI/03), Università di Messina, Italia.
- Agosto 2020 Esaminatore esterno per il conseguimento del titolo Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), presso International Graduate School of Neuroscience (IGSN), University of Bochum, Germania.
- Novembre 2020 Esaminatore esterno per il conseguimento del titolo Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), presso International Graduate School of Neuroscience (IGSN), University of Bochum, Germania.
- Novembre 2020 Incarico (membro della commissione) per la valutazione comparativa delle domande pervenute per 2 posti di docente a contratto (SSD M-PSI/03), Università di Messina, Italia.
- Gennaio 2021 Esaminatore esterno per il conseguimento del titolo Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), presso l’Università degli Studi di Enna, “Kore”.
- Febbraio 2021 Incarico (membro della commissione) per la costituzione di una “long list” per il conferimento di n. 100 di incarichi per servizio di tutorato per attività didattico-integrativa per le esigenze degli studenti con disabilità/DSA.
Sommario delle pubblicazioni: Dalla data di conseguimento del dottorato nel 2010 ho pubblicato 100 articoli in riviste “peer review”. Il mio lavoro è stato presentato presso 27 conferenze e 15 presentazioni su invito. Inoltre, sono primo autore nell’ 70% (70/100). Il mio attuale h-index è 26 su Google scholar, con 2072 citazion1 (Maggio 2021). Per i dettagli si prega di far riferimento al seguente sito:
Corsi di formazione e certificazioni
- 2016 Certificazione: Good Clinical Practice, rilasciata dalla Association of Regulatory and Clinical Scientists, Australia.
- 2016 Certificazione: Combating Trafficking in Person (Aka Human Trafficking), rilasciata dalla University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certificazione: Level I Antiterrorism Awareness Training course (JS-US007-14), rilasciata dalla University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certificazione: Operations Security (OPSEC) Awareness, rilasciata dalla University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certificazione: Preventing Discrimination and Sexual Violence, rilasciata dalla University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certificazione: The Clery Act and Campus Security Authorities, rilasciata dalla University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certificazione: Unlawful Harassment Prevention for Higher Education Staff, rilasciata dalla University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certificazione: UMUC’s Contractor Code of Ethics, rilasciata dalla University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certificazione: UMUC’s Overseas Employee Code of Conduct, rilasciata dalla University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certificazione: iWatch (Military Security), rilasciata dalla University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certificazione: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), rilasciata dalla University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Training: Personal Identifiable Information Awareness, rilasciata dalla University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Training/ Certificazione: New faculty academic Orientation, rilasciata dalla University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Workshop: TMS Foundation, presso the Institute of Neurology, UCL, Queen Square, London.
- 2014 Workshop: Working within a team: Giving and receiving feedback”. Presso la Marie Curie Annual Conference, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 2010 Summer school: Attention, perception and motor cognition. University of Oxford, UK.
- 2010 Workshop: Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS): New perspectives of tDCS between experimentation and clinic, IRCCS, San Giovanni di Dio – FBF Brescia, Italy.
- 2009 Summer school: Attention, perception and motor cognition. Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College of London, UK.
Memberships e attività editoriale
- 2016-current: Membro individuale del Brain Research and Integrative Neuroscience Network.
- 2014-2015: Membro ordinario, Psychonomic Society.
- 2013-corrente: Editorial board, Frontiers in Psychology.
- 2012-corrente: Editorial board, Frontiers in Psychiatry
- 2012-2014: Editore associato (guest), Frontiers in Psychology. Title of the research topic: “On a generalized magnitude system in the brain: insights from experimental evidence”.
- 2018- corrente: Editore associato (guest), Frontiers in Psychology. Title of the research topic: “Psychological Factors as Determinants of Medical Conditions”.
- 2019-corrente: Editore associato, Frontiers in Developmetal Psychology.
-2020-corrente: Guest editor, Brain Sciences
Revisore articoli scientifici su invito per le seguenti riviste:
Cognition; Cognitive Sciences; PlosOne; Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society; Cortex, Neuropsychology; Frontiers in Psychology, Brain and Cognition, Frontiers in Psychiatry, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; Motor Control; Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, Experimental Psychology; American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology; Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience; Cerebral Cortex; Open Sage; Human Movement Science; Experimental Brain Research; Neuropsychologia; Psychological Medicine; Psychophysiology; Cognitive Processing; Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience; Frontiers in Neuroscience; The International Journal of Eating Disorders, Neuroplasticity, Neuroscience Letters; Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society; Learning and Individual Differences; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance; Journal of Psychiatric Research; Scientific Reports; Psychological Medicine, Acta Psychologica; Human Brain Mapping; Neuroscience Biobehavioral Review; Neurobiology of Learning and Memory; Asian Journal of Psychology; Comprehensive Psychiatry; Physiology & Behavior; Laterality;
Revisore progetti di ricerca per le seguenti agenzie:
- 2014 Ente: The Israel Science Foundation. Attivita’ svolta: valutazione di n 1 progetti di ricerca per richiesta di finanziamento.
- 2016 Ente: The European Commission Research Executive Agency. Attivita’ svolta: valutazione di n 11 progetti per l’assegnazione delle “Individual Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships”.
- 2017 Ente: The European Commission, Research Executive Agency. Attivita’ svolta: valutazione di n 14 progetti per l’assegnazione delle “Individual Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships”.
Organizzazione/partecipazione eventi scientifici e scambi interdipartimentali
- 2021: La Notte dei Ricercatori. Titolo "Terapia da esposizione ad ambienti virtuali per il trattamento della talassofobia"
- 2020: Brain Awareness Week. Titolo del proposal: “Neuroetica e Realta’ Virtuale”:
- 2019: Chair at the oral session entitled: “multimodal approaches to study cognitive functions”. 13th International Conference On Complex Medical Engineering, 23th September.
- 2019: Organizzazione agreement interdipartimentale COSPECS-ifADo per attivita’ di tirocinio nel settore delle neuroscience cognitive e sperimentali.
- 2019: Organizzazione ciclo di seminari sulla neurobiologia del disturbo da stress post-traumatico e dei disturbi d’ansia (Speaker, Dr. Prof kim Felmingam), Dipartimento COSPECS, Universita’ di Messin (
- 2018: Organizzazione di un workshop sui disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento (Speaker, Dr. Gaetano Rappo), Dipartimento COSPECS, Universita’ di Messina (
- 2008: membro comitato organizzativo, “Neuropolitics”, Università di Roma, La Sapienza. (Coordinatore S.M. Aglioti). Brain awareness week, http//
- 2007: membro comitato organizzativo, “The Mystic Brain”, Università di Roma, La Sapienza. (Coordinatore S.M. Aglioti). Brain awareness week, http//
Impatto mediatico pubblicazioni scientifiche/attività di ricerca
Academic and professional qualifications (Selection by qualification and / or interview)- 2017 National Scientific Qualification for full professors, competition sector 11 / E1 (General Psychology, Psychobiology and Psychometry).
- 2016 Honorary Lecturer at Bangor University, Wales, United Kingdom.
-2016 Adjunt Assistant professor, University of Maryland University College, Italy.
- 2010 European Research Doctor in "Neuroplasticity and Rehabilitation of Cognitive Functions", achieved at the University of Rome, La Sapienza, Italy.
- 2007 Qualification to practice as a Psychologist.
- 2006 Master in Psychological Evaluation, University of Palermo, Italy.
- 2004 Master's Degree in Psychology (Summa cum Laude), University of Palermo, Italy.
Current job and / or academic positions:
- March 2018: Associate Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, COSPECS Department, University of Messina, Italy.
- July 2018: President of the cds in Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Messina, Italy.
- July 2019: President of the Internal Ethics Committee, COSPECS Department, University of Messina, Italy.
- January 2020: Scientific Director of the Cognitive Neuroscience laboratory, University of Messina, Italy.
- November 2020: Scientific Guarantor at the school of specialization Institute of Family Therapy of Reggio Calabria and Messina
Previous job positions
- December 2017- March 2018: Von Humboldt Research Fellow for Experienced Scientist, Dortmund, Germany.
- August 2016 - November 2017: Adjunct Assistant Professor in Psychology, University of Maryland University College Europe, Sigonella, Sicily, Italy.
- September 2016 - December 2017: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow , University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.
- March 2014 - March 2016: Senior Research Fellow , Bangor University, Bangor, Uk.
- January 2013 - March 2014: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Queensland, Australia.
- April 2010 - April 2012: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (Senior level), International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy.
Institutional positions
- September 2015 External examiner for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degree at Lincoln College, University of Oxford, Uk
- December 2016 Member of the Doctoral College in Cognitive Sciences, University of Messina, Italy.
- November 2018, Member of the Research and Internationalization Commission, University of Messina, Italy.
- March 2019 Assignment (member of the commission) for the comparative evaluation of the applications received for an adjunct teaching position (SSD M-PSI / 03), University of Messina, Italy.
- May 2019 Assignment for the comparative evaluation of the applications received for a position of tutor specialized in supporting students with disabilities, University of Messina, Italy.
- July 2019 Appointment (member of the commission) for the comparative evaluation of applications received for a RTDA post (SSD M-PSI / 02), University of Messina, Italy.
- November 2019, assignment (member of the commission) for the comparative evaluation of applications received for a research grant (project title, “Integration and legal migration”), University of Messina, Italy.
- December 2019, Assignment (member of the commission) for the comparative evaluation of the applications received for the selection of university professors involved in tutoring training and supervision activities and in orientation activities.
- February 2020 Assignment (member of the commission) for the comparative evaluation of the applications received for a contract teaching position (SSD M-PSI / 03), University of Messina, Italy.
- August 2020 External examiner for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) title, at International Graduate School of Neuroscience (IGSN), University of Bochum, Germany.
- November 2020 External examiner for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) title, at International Graduate School of Neuroscience (IGSN), University of Bochum, Germany.
- November 2020 Assignment (member of the commission) for the comparative evaluation of the applications received for 2 adjunct professor positions (SSD M-PSI / 03), University of Messina, Italy.
- January 2021 External examiner for the achievement of the title Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), at the University of Enna, "Kore".
- February 2021 Appointment (member of the commission) for the establishment of a "long list" for the assignment of no. 100 of assignments for tutoring service for didactic-integrative activities for the needs of students with disabilities / SLD.
Summary of publications: Since graduation in 2010 I have published 100 articles in peer reviewed journals. My work has been presented at 27 conferences and 15 invited presentations. Furthermore, I am first author in 70% (70/100). My current h-index is 26 on Google scholar, with 2072 citations1 (May 2021). For details, please refer to the following site:
Training courses and certifications
- 2016 Certification: Good Clinical Practice, issued by the Association of Regulatory and Clinical Scientists, Australia.
- 2016 Certification: Combating Trafficking in Person (Aka Human Trafficking), issued by the University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certification: Level I Antiterrorism Awareness Training course (JS-US007-14), issued by the University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certification: Operations Security (OPSEC) Awareness, issued by the University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certification: Preventing Discrimination and Sexual Violence, issued by the University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certification: The Clery Act and Campus Security Authorities, issued by the University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certification: Unlawful Harassment Prevention for Higher Education Staff, issued by the University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certification: UMUC's Contractor Code of Ethics, issued by the University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certification: UMUC's Overseas Employee Code of Conduct, issued by the University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certification: iWatch (Military Security), issued by the University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Certification: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), issued by the University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Training: Personal Identifiable Information Awareness, issued by the University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Training / Certification: New faculty academic Orientation, issued by the University of Maryland University College, Europe.
- 2016 Workshop: TMS Foundation, at the Institute of Neurology, UCL, Queen Square, London.
- 2014 Workshop: Working within a team: Giving and receiving feedback ". At the Marie Curie Annual Conference, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 2010 Summer school: Attention, perception and motor cognition. University of Oxford, UK.
- 2010 Workshop: Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS): New perspectives of tDCS between experimentation and clinic, IRCCS, San Giovanni di Dio - FBF Brescia, Italy.
- 2009 Summer school: Attention, perception and motor cognition. Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College of London, UK.
Memberships and editorial activity
- 2016-current: Individual member of the Brain Research and Integrative Neuroscience Network.
- 2014-2015: Full member, Psychonomic Society.
- 2013-current: Editorial board, Frontiers in Psychology.
- 2012-current: Editorial board, Frontiers in Psychiatry
- 2012-2014: Associate Editor (guest), Frontiers in Psychology. Title of the research topic: “On a generalized magnitude system in the brain: insights from experimental evidence”.
- 2018- current: Associate editor (guest), Frontiers in Psychology. Title of the research topic: “Psychological Factors as Determinants of Medical Conditions”.
- 2019-current: Associate Publisher, Frontiers in Developmetal Psychology.
-2020-current: Guest editor, Brain Sciences
Reviewer of scientific articles by invitation for the following journals:
Cognition; Cognitive Sciences; PlosOne; Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society; Cortex, Neuropsychology; Frontiers in Psychology, Brain and Cognition, Frontiers in Psychiatry, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; Motor Control; Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, Experimental Psychology; American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology; Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience; Cerebral Cortex; Open Sage; Human Movement Science; Experimental Brain Research; Neuropsychology; Psychological Medicine; Psychophysiology; Cognitive Processing; Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience; Frontiers in Neuroscience; The International Journal of Eating Disorders, Neuroplasticity, Neuroscience Letters; Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society; Learning and Individual Differences; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance; Journal of Psychiatric Research; Scientific Reports; Psychological Medicine, Acta Psychologica; Human Brain Mapping; Neuroscience Biobehavioral Review; Neurobiology of Learning and Memory; Asian Journal of Psychology; Comprehensive Psychiatry; Physiology & Behavior; Laterality;
Research project reviewer for the following agencies:
- 2014 Institution: The Israel Science Foundation. Activities carried out: evaluation of 1 research projects per request for funding.
- 2016 : The European Commission Research Executive Agency. Activities carried out: evaluation of 11 projects for the award of the "Individual Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships".
- 2017 : The European Commission, Research Executive Agency. Activities carried out: evaluation of 14 projects for the assignment of the "Individual Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships".
Organization / participation in scientific events and interdepartmental exchanges
- 2021: Researchers' Night. Title "Therapy from exposure to virtual environments for the treatment of thalassophobia"
- 2020: Brain Awareness Week. Title of the proposal: "Neuroethics and Virtual Reality":
- 2019: Chair at the oral session entitled: “multimodal approaches to study cognitive functions”. 13th International Conference On Complex Medical Engineering, 23th September.
- 2019: COSPECS-ifADo interdepartmental agreement organization for internship activities in the field of cognitive and experimental neuroscience.
- 2019: Organization of a cycle of seminars on the neurobiology of post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety disorders (Speaker, Dr. Prof kim Felmingam), COSPECS Department, University of Messin ( it / departments / cospecs / events / cycle-of-seminars-visiting-professor-kim-felmingham-dell% E2% 80% 99universita% E2% 80% 99-di).
- 2018: Organization of a workshop on specific learning disorders (Speaker, Dr. Gaetano Rappo), COSPECS Department, University of Messina ( i-specific-learning-disorders).
- 2008: member of the organizing committee, “Neuropolitics”, University of Rome, La Sapienza. (Coordinator S.M. Aglioti). Brain awareness week, http //:
- 2007: member of the organizing committee, “The Mystic Brain”, University of Rome, La Sapienza. (Coordinator S.M. Aglioti). Brain awareness week, http //:
I dati visualizzati nella sezione sono recuperati dalla Procedura Gestione Carriere e Stipendi del Personale (CSA), dalla Procedura Gestione Studenti (ESSE3), da Iris e dal Sito Docenti MIUR.