
Profilo: Professori Associati
Research experience
09.2017-present Associate Professor in Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Dept. of Ancient and Modern Civilizations, University of Messina
09.2011–08.2017 Rita Levi Montalcini Fellow: ‘Land transactions in South Lebanon’, University of Pisa
10.2016–02.2017 Visiting Staff Member, Queens’ University, Belfast
04.2016–07.2016 Visiting Staff Member, University of Fribourg
01.2013–12.2015 Participant in the Marie Curie Project PIRSES-GA-2013-318961: ‘Imagining Development: A multidisciplinary and multilevel analysis of development policies and their effect in the post-socialist world’. Visiting lecturer at Tbilisi State University
03.2008–04.2009 Post-doc Fellow, University of Fribourg - Swiss National Foundation Individual Grant ‘Political Mobilization in Turkey’, Adnan Menderes University
11.2005–11.2007 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow, University of Kent: ‘Martyrdom in the Middle East’, by reference to Christian enclaves in Lebanon, Israel, Occupied Territories, Eastern Anatolia
05.2005–10.2005 Research Fellow, Institute of Political Studies San Pio V, Rome: ‘Martyrdom as a political strategy in Lebanon: Dbayyé refugee camp’
03.2003–03.2004 Pre-doc Marie Curie Fellow, University of Ulster, Londonderry
07.2000–06.2002 Researcher, Gioiosa Marea City Council, research on the history of the city (including a history book)
01.1999–04.2000 Researcher, Armando Siciliano, Messina, research on the history of the city of Tindary (including an history book)
09.1997–12.1998 Researcher, ARCI ‘13 ottobre 1957’, Raccuja, research on the Agrarian Risings of the Fifties in northern Sicily (including an history book)
09.1996–08.1997 Researcher, San Piero Patti City Council, on the history of the village in the XVI century (finalized to an historical parade)
Teaching experience (since academic year 2009/10)
(present) Lecturer in ‘Fundamentals of Cultural Anthropology’ (6 ects, in Italian), FIT Programme, University of Messina
(present) Lecturer in ‘Cultural Anthropology’ (6 ects, in Italian), Dept. of Ancient and Modern Civilizations, University of Messina
2016/18 Lecturer in ‘Divided Societies and Fundamentalism’ (3 ects, in English), Dept. of Social Anthropology, University of Fribourg
2016/17 Lecturer in ‘Power-Sharing, Multiculturalism and International Cooperation’ (6 ects) and ‘Conflict Analysis in Divided Societies’ (6 ects, in English, blended learning), Inter-departmental Ma Programme in Sciences for Peace, University of Pisa
2013-14/2015-16 Lecturer in ‘Power-Sharing, Multiculturalism and International Cooperation’ (6 ects, in English), MA Programme in Sciences for Peace, University of Pisa
2012-13/2014-15 Lecturer in ‘Cultural Anthropology’ (6 ects, in Italian), Dept. of Social and Political Science, University of Pisa
2012-13 Lecturer in ‘Anthropology of Violence’ (in Italian), MA Programme on Conflict Management & Mediation, University of Pisa
2012-13 Lecturer in ‘Equality and discriminatory dynamics’ (in Italian), MA Programme in Management of Participatory Processes, University of Pisa and University of Florence
2011-2012 Lecturer in ‘Anthropology of Violence’ (in Italian), Dept. of Social and Political Science, University of Pisa
2010-2011 Lecturer in ‘Religious Conflicts in Contemporary World: an anthropological perspective’ & ‘Religions and Conflict’ (in English), Dept. of Social Anthropology, University of Fribourg
2009-2010 Lecturer in ‘Power Sharing and Multiculturalism’ and ‘Divided Societies in Contemporary World’ (in English), Dept. of Social Anthropology, University of Fribourg
10.2001 – 07.2007 European Doctorate in Peace & Conflict Studies, University of Deusto, Bilbao. Thesis title: Challenges in data collection in a violently divided society: the Case of Northern Ireland. Research areas: challenges in data collection, Northern Ireland
10.2001 – 10.2005 Doctorate in Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Centre for Peace Research & Strategic Studies, University of Leuven. Thesis title: Death Management and Conflict Dynamics: A Study of the 1980-81 Irish National Liberation Army Hunger Strike in Northern Ireland. Research area: Conflict Impact Assessment, NI
09.1995 – 11.1997 PGD & Master in Peace Studies, University of Ulster. Thesis title: Power, Space, Identity: A Contribution to Understanding Conflict. Case study: Derry City. Research area: Northern Irish conflict
09.1988 – 07.1992 Bachelor in Political Science, University of Messina, IT – including one academic year (1990-91) as Erasmus, Dept. of European Studies, University of Limerick
Italian, Sicilian: Mother tongues
English, French: Excellent knowledge
VQR 2011-2014: 1 + 1
Executive Secretary Commission on Urban Anthropology (CUA), International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES)
Bulletin Co-editor CUA, IUAES
Co-editor Series Asintoti (Armando Siciliano)
Ordinary Enrolment Italian Society for Authors and Publishers (DOR: author of literary part)
Associate Member of the Interdisciplinary Centre Science for Peace, University of Pisa
Reviewer: Anthropology Today, International Journal of Politics, Culture & Society, National Identities, Post-Socialist Studies Series (I.B.Tauris), Turkish Studies
Editorial Board: Urbanities, Turkish Culture and Haci Bektas Veli Research Quarterly, Studies of Transition States and Societies
Selection of seminars and conferences since August 2013
03.2018 Seminar paper, Integralismo e Multiculturalità, Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Borghese-Faranda, Patti
01.2018 Seminar paper, Riflessioni sulle variabili possibili della contronarrativa del terrorismo, University of Siena
10.2017 Seminar paper, La crisi in Medio oriente: i Migranti verso l’integrazione, Istituto Comprensivo La Pira, Messina
09.2017 Workshop IUS-Commission on Urban Anthropology, Erosions of Legitimacy and Urban Futures: Ethnographic Research Matters, 10-16 September 2017, Gioiosa Marea, Messina. Paper presented: Conflicting Loyalties and Legitimate Illegality in Urban South Lebanon.
08.2017 Institute for Peace and Dialogue, School of Peacebuilding, Conflict Transformation, Mediation, Security, Intercultural Dialogue & Human Rights, Baar, 10-19 August 2017. Twelve hours lectures on ‘Challenges in gathering data in a number of conflictual societies, including Lebanon, Northern Ireland, Turkey and some South Caucasian loci’
07.2017 Conference IUAES-CUA and University of Peloponnese, The Formal and the Informal in Times of Crisis: Ethnographic Insights, Corinth, Grecia, 7-9 July 2017. Paper presented: ‘Formal and Informal Governance in the Lebanon: New Challenges Raised by the Syrian Conflict’
03.2017 Eight Hours Seminar papers, Erasmus staff mobility programme, Outgoing from Pisa, Adnan Menderes University, Aydin
03.2017 ‘Costruire la Pace è possibile: insieme per conoscere e capire’, Diocesis of San Miniato. Conference paper: ‘On Syrian Refugees’,
02.2017 Institute for Peace and Dialogue, School of Peacebuilding…, Baar Switzeland, 8 hours lecture on ‘Land Transactions in Divided Societies in Lebanon’ & ‘Martyrological Traditions in Northern Ireland’
11.2016 International Diyarbakir Symposium 2016, Dicle University Congress Hall, Diyarbakir. Paper presented: (with A. Taşkın), Demographic Changes and the Law: A preliminary Study on Diyarbakir
11.2016 International ASCN Alumni Network Series of Lectures, Marriott Armenia Hotel, Yerevan. Conference paper: Minorities in the Middle East and Contemporary Religiously-Driven Violence
10.2016 Seminar paper, La crisi in Medio oriente: i Migranti, qiale integrazione? Istituto Comprensivo di Roccalumera, Centro Sociale Giovanni Paolo II
09.2016 Marie Curie IAPP Summer School for ‘Shadow Economies in Europe and Beyond: Debating the causes and impacts of informal economies’, 2-4 September 2016, Sofia. Paper presented: Book-launching Informalities on the Right Side of a Nineteen Century Walnut Table
07.2016 Easa2016 Biannual Conference, ‘Anthropological Legacies and Human Futures’, Milan. Panel convenor (with J. Dingley): ‘Science, Modernity and the Attack on Religion: Explaining Religious terrorism’. Paper presented: Comparing Sectarian Migration Waves: the Beqaa and Georgia
05.2016 Conference paper: Ethno-religious Waves: mapping determinants in refugees’ choices in Lebanon and Georgia, ‘Workshop on Peripheries’, Ilia State University Tbilisi and Academic Swiss Caucasus Net.
12.2015 Conference ‘Diversità Linguistica e Cultura al Plurale’, Session: ‘Lingua, cultura e identità: prospettive antropologiche, linguistiche e semiotiche’, Sala dei Dodici, Palazzo dei Cavalieri di Santo Stefano, University of Pisa. Invited Discussant 'Nuove topografie belliche: l'opzione Sansone e le tradizioni martirologiche di al-Nusra e Daesh',
11.2015 Conference ‘Per non Dimenticare Hiroshima e Nagasaki’, Session: ‘Le Armi atomiche ci riguardano?’, Sala dei Dodici, Palazzo dei Cavalieri di Santo Stefano, University of Pisa. Conference paper: Nuove topografie belliche: l’Opzione Sansone e le tradizioni martirologiche di al-Nusra e Daesh'
10.2015 Doctoral Workshop ‘Academic Writing and Effective Presentation’, Social Innovation Doctoral School, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius. Invited Discussant
09.2015 25-28.09.2015 Academic Swiss Caucasus Net visiting lecturer, Yerevan State University. Programme: (25.10): The Last Ezidi massacre and the New Temple in Tbilisi, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography; (27.09): Workshop on Minorities in the Caucasus, Dept. of Cultural Studies; (28.09), guest lecture: On Challenges in Data Collection in Violently Divided Societies: the case of Lebanon and Northern Ireland
09.2015 Seminar paper: Ethical Issues in Ethnography, Tbilisi State University
06.2015 CUA-IUAES Annual Conference: ‘The Global Financial Crisis and the Moral Economy: Local Impacts and Opportunities’, Brooklyn College, City University of New York. Paper presented: How the Crisis Helped Informality to Re-enter the Temple: a New Sicilian Custom
05.2015 Conference Integrim Scientific Thematic Workshop - WP2, ‘Citizenship and Political Participation’, University of Liege. Paper presented (with A. Polese): Formal and informal mechanisms of integration: do different religious belonging lead to different paths? Lebanon and Georgia as case studies
04.2015 Seminar paper: From Sinjar to Tbilisi: when religious persecution encounters religious revival’, University of Fribourg
01.2015 Conference, ‘Fundamentalism, Trans-nationalism and Religious Minorities’, Tbilisi State University. Paper presented: Yezidi Struggle For Survival: From the Last Massacre to the New Temple in Tbilisi Yesidi Struggle for Survival. From the Last Massacre in Sinjar to the New Temple in Tbilisi’
11.2014 Seminar paper: Methodological problems of anthropological research in conflict zones, Tbilisi State University
09.2014 Conference, ‘The Muslim World After the Arab Spring: Changes and Prospects for Islam in the 21st Century’, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul. Paper presented: Martyrological Traditions and Conflict Prevention: the case of Lebanon
06.2014 Seminar papers, Erasmus staff mobility programme, Outgoing from Pisa: 1) On Data Collection in Conflictual Areas; 2) Violence and Property in South Lebanon, Adnan Menderes University, Aydin
05.2014 Conference, ‘Religious Divided Societies in Contemporary World’, University of Pisa. Paper presented: Land and the Ethno-religious calling: the case of South Lebanon
05.2014 IUAES 2014 Inter-congress, ‘The Future with/of Anthropologies’, Makuhari Messe, Tokio. Paper presented: Religious exclusion that did not properly work: South Lebanese Christian land at stake
11.2013 Marie Curie-IRSES 2013-16 Conference, ‘Imagining Development: Comparing Theory and Practice of Development in the Post-socialist World’. Tallinn University. Invited Discussant
09.2013 Conference ‘Mahmout Pahlivan & the Turkmen Cultural Life in the XIII Century’, Dashoguz. Paper presented: National Heritage, State Formation: the Legacy in Lebanon & Northern Ireland
08.2013 17th IUAES World Congress, ‘Evolving Humanity, Emerging Worlds’, Manchester. Panel convenor (with J. Dingley): ‘Ethnic-religious segregation: the preservation of memory or the preservation of conflict’. Paper presented: Martyrological Traditions & Conflict Prevention: the case of Lebanon
List of Publications - Marcello Mollica (last update March 2018)
Accepted (ed.) (with J. Dingley) Understanding Religious Violence: Radicalism and Terrorism in Religion Explored via six Cases Studies, Palgrave Macmillan: New York.
Accepted ‘Conflicting Loyalties and Legitimate Illegality in Urban South Lebanon’ in Ethnographies of Legitimacy: Methodological and Theoretical Insights, Italo Pardo and Giuliana Prato (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan: New York.
Accepted ‘Emile Durkheim and the Northern Irish violence: anthropological insights upon James Dingley’ The IRA and Durkheim and National Identity in Ireland, DADA. Rivista di Antropologia post-globale
Accepted (with B. Panchetti) ‘Narrative inter-religiose e tensioni dialettiche sul reato di adulterio nel sistema consociativo del Libano contemporaneo: le risposte delle Ong inter-confessionali’, VOCI. Rivista di Scienze Umane
2018 ‘Fearing the Intrusion: Illegal but Legitimate Ethno-religious dynamics in Lebanon’, Urbanities, 8:1, 65-69
2017 (with A. Taşkın) ‘Demographic Changes and the Law: A Preliminary Study on Diyarbakır’, in Uluslararasi Sempozyum Diyarbakır - 02-05 Kasım 2016, Diyarbakır: Diyarbakır University Press, pp. 751-755
2017 ‘Book Launching Informalities on the Right Side of a Nineteenth-Century Walnut Table’ in The Informal Economy, Exploring Drivers and Practices, Ioana A. Horodnic, Peter Rodgers, Colin C. Williams and Legha Momtazian (eds), Routledge: New York, pp. 61-72
2017 (with A. Taşkın) ‘Tradition of Tattooing in Siverek, Turkey’, Middle Eastern Studies, 53:2, 271-280
2017 ‘Nuove topografie belliche: l’Opzione Sansone e le tradizioni martirologie di al-Nusra e Daesh’ in Per un mondo libero da armi nucleari, E. Pellecchia (ed.), Pisa: University of Pisa Press, 203-214
2016 ‘How the Crisis Helped Informality to Re-entered the Temple: a New Sicilian Custom’, Urbanities, 6:2, 39-52
2016 Terra e società etniche divise: il caso del Libano del Sud. Messina: Armando Siciliano Editore (Isbn: 887442730)
2016 (ed.) Fundamentalism. Ethnographies on Minorities, Discrimination and Trans-Nationalism. Fribourg Studies in Social Anthropology. Münster: LIT Verlag (Isbn: 9783643802019)
2016 ‘Quale Pace per i Cristiani d’Oriente?’. in Interrogarsi per proporre. Le crisi del nostro tempo e l’agire sociale dei cattolici. Atti della X e della XI Tre Giorni Toniolo, F. Amore Bianco (ed.). Fondazione Toniolo. Pisa: Arnus University Book, 155-173
2015 (ed.) Bridging Religiously Divided Societies in the Contemporary World. Pisa: University of Pisa Press.
2015 (with J. Dingley), ‘Sectarian Dynamics of Multi-Cultural Norms and the Law in Lebanon: A Warning for the Future of Northern Ireland’, National Identities, 17:4, 405-431
2015 (with A. Taşkın), ‘Disappearing Old Christian Professions in the Middle East: the case of Diyarbakır Pushee-Makers’, Middle Eastern Studies, 51: 6, 922-931
2015 ‘Recensione di The Irish Republican Army di James Dingley’, Scienza e Pace, 6:1
2015 ‘Geopolitica del conflitto in Siria. Ad un anno e mezzo dal rapimento di padre Paolo Dall'Oglio’, in Padre Paolo Dall'Oglio. Uomo di dialogo ostaggio in Siria, C. Lapi (ed.). Pisa: Pisa University Press, 41-62
2014 ‘Martyrological Traditions and Conflict Prevention: the case of Lebanon’. Conference proceedings. ‘The Muslim World After the Arab Spring: Changes and Prospects for Islam in the 21st Century’, Seoul: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 145-156
2014 ‘When the Ethnographer Encounters War’, in Anthropology of Fear. Cultures Beyond Emotions, A. Boscoboinik and H. Horakova (eds.), Freiburg Studies in Social Anthropology, Münster: LIT Verlag, 205-218
2014 ‘A Post-War Paradox of Informality in South Lebanon: Rebuilding Houses or Destroying Legitimacy’, Studies of Transition States and Societies, 6:1, 34-49
2014 ‘On the Sectarian Dynamics of Law in South Lebanon: A Research Report’, Urbanities, 4:4, 69-73.
2014 Come pelle saldata alle ossa. La sacralità delle mummie della Chiesa Madre di Piraino’. Messina: Armando Siciliano Editore
2012 ‘Preface’ in Il culto di San Nicola a Gioiosa Marea. M.I. Crifò Ceraolo, Messina: Armando Siciliano Editore
2012 ‘Political Manipulations: Death and Urban Graveyards Northern Ireland’, in Anthropology in the City: Methods, Methodology and Theory, G. Prato and I. Pardo (eds.), Aldershot: Ashgate Publishers, 155-172
2012 ‘The Messina Bridge: Political Conflict Running Roughshod Over Local Issues’, Urbanities, 2:1, 57-67
2012 ‘The Alevi Cultural Centre in Horn-St Gallen, Switzerland: An Exploratory Study’, in II. Uluslararasi Tarihten Bugüne. Alevilik Sempozyumu (23-24 Ekim 2010), A, Erdemir et al. (eds.). Ankara: Cem Vakfi, 133-150
2011 ‘Understanding Determinants: Syrian Orthodox Christians and Security Related Issues in Diyarbakır’, Urban Anthropology, 40:1-2, 109-150
2010 ‘Erosion of Legitimacy: A Lebanese Case of Collapsed Governance’, in Citizenship and the Legitimacy of Governance in the Mediterranean Region: A Comparative Anthropology, I. Pardo and G. Prato (eds.), Aldershot: Ashgate Publishers, 191-209
2010 ‘The Trans-National Journey of a Textile Art, from Hassana to Mechelen and Its Return’, in International Şırnak and Its Vicinity Symposium, N. Doru (ed.), Ankara: Şırnak University Press, 279-293
2008 ‘Ethnography under Fire: Alma el-Shaab Summer 2006’, in Different Approaches to Peace and Conflict Research’, R. Hudson and H.J. Heintze (eds.), HumanitarianNet, Bilbao: University of Deusto Press, 159-182
2007 (with J. Dingley), ‘The Human Body as a Terrorist Weapon: Hunger Strikes and Suicide Bombers’, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 30:6, 459-492
2007 (with M. Ruggeri and M.P. Ricciardi), Le due Gioiose: I bambini raccontano. Messina: Armando Siciliano Editore
2006 Diario dal Libano. Messina: Armando Siciliano Editore
2006 ‘Piraino: piccolo mondo di cultura’, in La donna e il mare, G. Bonanno (ed.), Palermo: Priulla, 19-22
2006 ‘Challenges in Data Collection in a Violently Divided Society’, in Peace and Conflict: Europe and Beyond, A.I. Gray and I. Al-Marashi (eds.), HumanitarianNet, Bilbao: University of Deusto Press, 21-31
2005 (with T. Duffy) ‘Educational innovation on politically sensitive subjects: a case‐study of interview material involving the bereaved families of the Iraq Nasiriya killings of 12 November 2003’, Journal of Education for Teaching, 31:1, 63-66
2005 (Phd thesis), The Management of Death and the Dynamics of an Ethnic Conflict: A Study of the 1980-81 Hunger Strikes in Northern Ireland, Leuven: Catholic University of Leuven, no. 91, D/2005/8978/10
2005 (ed) Percorrendo i luoghi della memoria. Messina: Armando Siciliano Editore
2004 (with A. Barrinha et al.) ‘From Guernica with Love’, in Conflict Resolution and European Legacies of War, A.I. Gray, D. Kelleher, E. Moxon-Browne (eds.), HumanitarianNet. Limerick: University of Limerick, 29-40
2004 ‘Le due Gioiose e San Giorgio. Storie di Vita Religiosa’. Messina: Armando Siciliano Editore
2004 (with T. Duffy), ‘Educational Innovation in Politically Sensitive Fields: a case study of interview material involving the bereaved families of the Iraq Nasirya killings 12.11.2003. In Practice’, Journal of Education for Teaching, 30:2, 179-181.
2003 (documentary script) Piccole Memorie Dimenticate, Piraino City Council
2003 Gioiosa Marea. Dal Monte di Guardia a Ciappe di Tono e San Giorgio. Messina: Armando Siciliano Editore
2003 (theatre play) In Odium Fidei. Giovanni Scolarici da Piraino. Messina: Armando Siciliano Editore
2002 Contribution in La Campana per la Pace, Atti del Convegno 25/08/2001. University of Messina. Messina: Armando Siciliano Editore, 53-56
2000 Tindari: dalla città greca al culto della Madonna Nera. Messina: Armando Siciliano Editore
1998 ‘Preface’ in Raccuja nel dopoguerra. Notizie, scritte murali e immagini. Arci Sicilia. Palermo: La Tipografica
1997 ‘La comunità dei Pescatori di San Giorgio nel distretto di Santa Maria de Monte Carmelo e Tonnare, Minajte’ and ‘Sciabbiche nelle Giuliane delle chiese Parrocchiali di Gioiosa Marea’, in Archeologia delle Tonnare Messinesi’. Messina: Province of Messina Press
1997 (musical script) Petra supra Petra. Messina: Armando Siciliano Editore
1995 (with N., Mancuso and M., Saporito) ‘Storie di Fede e di Morte da un Archivio Parrocchiale’, in Atti del Terzo Convegno di Storia dei Nebrodi. Brolo: Armenio Editore, 85-100
1995 (novel) Il Pianto delle Ciaule. Storia di Sicilia ed Andrea. Messina: Armando Siciliano Editore
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