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Summer School on “Sustainability and Life Cycle Thinking - The integration of economic, environmental and social issues for the design of sustainable urban systems”

Apply for the the Summer School on “Sustainability and Life Cycle Thinking - The integration of economic, environmental and social issues for the design of sustainable urban systems” and experience a unique study period in Sicily!

The Summer course will take place at the University of Messina from 3-7 July, 2017. 

The main goal of the course is to streamline life cycle based sustainability applications, methodologies and tools as well as their implementation in an urban context as decision support for policy makers, companies and other stakeholders. 

Applications are to be submitted by e-mail to attaching a CV and a motivation letter (max 1 page - – Times New Roman 11). Deadline for applications is may 30th at 12:00 (CET). 

Further information are available in the Summer school brochure

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