Offerta Didattica




Classe di corso: L-7 - Classe delle lauree in Ingegneria civile e ambientale
AA: 2022/2023
FIS/01, , BaseLiberaLiberaNo
CFU: n. crediti dell’insegnamento
CFU LEZ: n. cfu di lezione in aula
CFU LAB: n. cfu di laboratorio
CFU ESE: n. cfu di esercitazione
MODULI:SI - L'insegnamento prevede la suddivisione in moduli, NO - non sono previsti moduli
ORE: n. ore programmate
ORE LEZ: n. ore programmate di lezione in aula
ORE LAB: n. ore programmate di laboratorio
ORE ESE: n. ore programmate di esercitazione
SSD:sigla del settore scientifico disciplinare dell’insegnamento
TAF:sigla della tipologia di attività formativa
TIPOLOGIA:LEZ - lezioni frontali, ESE - esercitazioni, LAB - laboratorio

Obiettivi Formativi

Il corso si pone come obiettivo quello di: far acquisire un'adeguata conoscenza e comprensione degli elementi principali della fisica, nonchè della metodologia adeguata ad affrontare lo studio delle successive discipline ingegneristiche. I contenuti degli insegnamenti di base non sono generalisti ma, piuttosto, sono completamente dedicati alla formazione culturale dell'ingegnere civile, obiettivo che viene perseguito attraverso un equilibrio tra studio teorico e applicazioni pratiche; far acquisire allo studente, non solo il livello del "sapere", ma soprattutto il livello del "saper fare", cioè la capacità di padroneggiare le leggi fisiche al fine di analizzare e risolvere problemi teorici anche complessi; conferire autonomia di giudizio, anche con l'integrazione di ricerche bibliografiche opportune, sviluppando indagini articolate, confrontando criticamente diverse possibili soluzioni anche attraverso esperimenti appropriati; applicare metodi utili a modellare, analizzare e risolvere problemi fisici e ingegneristici, utilizzando le leggi che li governano ed applicando un metodo di studio adeguato anche per gli studi successivi; conferire le necessarie capacità per intraprendere studi successivi con un alto grado di autonomia.

Learning Goals

The course aims: to acquire adequate knowledge and understanding of the main elements of physics, as well as of the appropriate methodology to face the study of subsequent engineering disciplines. The contents of the basic teachings are not generalists but, rather, are completely dedicated to the cultural training of the civil engineer, an objective that is pursued through a balance between theoretical study and practical applications; to make the student acquire, not only the level of "knowing", but above all the level of "knowing how to do", that is, the ability to master physical laws in order to analyze and solve even complex theoretical problems; confer autonomy of judgment, also with the integration of appropriate bibliographic research, developing articulated investigations, critically comparing different possible solutions also through appropriate experiments; apply methods useful for modeling, analyzing and solving physical and engineering problems, using the laws that govern them and applying an appropriate study method also for subsequent studies; provide the necessary skills to undertake subsequent studies with a high degree of autonomy.

Metodi didattici

Il corso, al fine di raggiungere gli obiettivi previsti, si svolge principalmente attraverso lezioni frontali in aula. Sono inoltre previste esercitazioni guidate con il supporto del docente in aula, con l'obiettivo di stimolare l'approccio al problem solving con autonomia e pensiero critico. Tutte le attività sono svolte con il supporto di presentazioni in power point.

Teaching Methods

The course, in order to achieve the expected objectives, mainly takes place through lectures in the classroom. There are also guided exercises with teacher support in the classroom, with the aim of stimulating the approach to problem solving with autonomy and a critical thinking. All activities are carried out with the support of lecture slides.


Conoscenze di base di matematica a livello delle scuole superiori.


Basic knowledge of mathematics at high school level.

Verifiche dell'apprendimento

L'esame consiste in una prova scritta, seguita dalla prova orale. Durante la prova scritta si chiede di eseguire lo svolgimento completo di tre esercizi. Gli argomenti e il livello di difficoltà degli esercizi corrispondono al programma svolto e ai testi di riferimento indicati. Il tempo assegnato per la prova scritta è di due ore. La valutazione della prova scritta è fatta in trentesimi. La prova scritta si ritiene superata se la valutazione complessiva non è inferiore a 15/30. Superata la prova scritta, essa ha validità per tutto l’anno accademico entro il quale dovrà essere sostenuta la prova orale. La prova orale è incentrata sugli argomenti trattati durante il corso (definizioni, esempi rilevanti, teoremi, dimostrazioni, applicazioni, collegamenti tra i vari argomenti.). Essa ha il duplice scopo di verificare il livello di conoscenza e di comprensione dei contenuti del corso e di valutare l'autonomia di giudizio, la capacità di apprendimento, l'abilità comunicativa e proprietà di linguaggio scientifico e indi valutare le facoltà logico-deduttive acquisite dallo studente.Il voto finale è espresso in trentesimi e tiene conto della valutazione ottenuta durante la prova scritta e durante la prova orale. Durante le prove scritte è possibile utilizzare una calcolatrice.


The exam consists of a written test followed by an oral test. During the written test, students are asked to perform the complete development of three exercises. The topics and the level of the exercises correspond to the program delivered and to the reference texts indicated. The time allotted for the written test is two hours. The evaluation of the written test is scored out of thirty. The written test is considered passed if the overall evaluation is not less than 15/30. Once the written test has been passed, it is valid for the entire academic year within which the oral exam must be taken. The oral exam focuses on the topics covered during the course (definitions, relevant examples, theorems, proofs, applications, links between the various topics.). It has the dual purpose of verifying the level of knowledge and understanding of the course contents and to evaluate the autonomy of judgment, the learning ability, the communicative ability and properties of scientific language and then evaluate the logical-deductive faculties acquired by the student. The final grade is expressed out of thirty and takes into account the evaluation obtained during the written exam and during the oral exam. During the written exams, it is permitted to use a calculator.

Programma del Corso

FUNDAMENTAL AND DERIVED PHYSICAL QUANTITIES: International System of Measurement. Instruments and their general characteristics. Systematic and random errors. Representation of the measure and of its error NONO-IONIZING RADIATION. General concepts of physics of electromagnetic fields. Maxwell equations. Electromagnetic field. The frequency spectrum. Near and Far-Field. Field measurements at low and high frequencies. Biological effects of non-ionizing radiation. Thermal and non-thermal effects. SAR. Telecommunication systems. Measurement protocols for NIR. IONIZING RADIATION. Radioactivity. History. The decays. Activity and half-life. Decay series. Radiation-Matter interactions. Natural and artificial sources of ionizing radiation. The Radon. Biological effects. Dose, Effective and Equivalent Dose. SI units. Ionizing radiation damages. Somatic and genetic damage. Ionizing radiation measurement devices. Scintillation counter and gas counter. The Geiger counter. PHOTOMETRY. Characteristic dimensions of the light environment. Daylight: Natural light sources. Daytime lighting coefficient. Daytime lighting and energy problem. The luxmeter and the measurement of illuminance. PHONOMETRY: The sound. Key features. Propagation and transmission of sound waves. Absorption and sound insulation. General information on sound insulation criteria. Hypsophonic curves and weighting curves. The sound level meter. MARINE POLLUTION. Main marine pollutant categories. Analysis of dispersed pollutants in water. Principles of spectroscopic techniques. THE EARTH’S MAGNETIC FIELD. The magnetization of matter. Diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic substances. The sun and solar activity. Basics of fundamental astronomy. Use of graphics software and data processing.

Course Syllabus

PHYSICAL QUANTITIES AND UNITS OF MEASUREMENT: The scientific method. Unit of measure. Dimensional analysis. Scalar and vector quantities and their properties. Elements of vector computation. KINEMATICS OF A POINT PARTICLE. Trajectory and displacement. Uniform and uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion. Uniform circular motion. Centripetal, angular and tangential acceleration. Parabolic motion. Harmonic motion DYNAMICS OF THE POINT. Concept of force. Newton's laws. Examples of forces. Forces of friction. Inclined plane. WORK AND ENERGY. Work of a force. Kinetic energy. Work-kinetic energy theorem. Conservative and non-conservative forces. Potential energy. Relationship between conservative forces and potential energy. Conservation of mechanical energy in an isolated system. Non-conservative forces and mechanical energy variations. QUANTITY OF MOTION AND COLLISIONS. Momentum and its conservation. Impulse. Elastic, inelastic and completely inelatic collisions in one dimension. The center of mass. Center of mass theorem. Dynamics of the rigid body. ROTATION OF A RIGID BODY AROUND AN AXIS. Rotational kinetic energy. Moments of inertia. Moment of a force. Angular momentum. Angular momentum of a rigid body in rotation. Conservation of angular momentum for an isolated system. Equilibrium and elasticity. The requirements for equlibrium. FLUID MECHANICS. Pressure. Static equilibrium of a fluid. Pascal's law. Archimedes' principle. Ideal fluid. Dynamics of fluids. Mass flow rate. Bernoulli's theorem and applications. TEMPERATURE AND HEAT. Specific heats. Heat transmission. Internal energy, equivalence of work and heat. First law of thermodynamics and its applications, thermodynamic transformations KINETIC THEORY OF GAS. Gas laws. Ideal gas and its equation of state. ENTROPY AND SECOND PRINCIPLE OF THERMODYNAMICS. Thermal machines, entropy and second law of thermodynamics. Carnot's machine. THE ELECTRIC FIELD. Flow lines and flux. Coulomb’s law. The electric potential. Capacitors. Electric current and resistance. Kirchhoff’s laws. RC circuit. Magnetic field and force. Faraday’s law. Autoinduction and inductors. RL and LC circuits.

Testi di riferimento: -Serway, Jewett- Principi di Fisica – 1° vol, EdiSES -D. Halliday, R. Resnick, K.S. Krane, Fondamenti di Fisica vol 1°, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana

Elenco delle unità didattiche costituenti l'insegnamento


Orario di Ricevimento - CATERINA BRANCA

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