Offerta Didattica
Classe di corso: LM-41 - Medicina e chirurgia
AA: 2022/2023
SSD | TAF | tipologia | frequenza | moduli |
MED/10, MED/11, MED/21, MED/22, MED/23 | Caratterizzante, NC, Affine/Integrativa | Obbligatoria | Obbligatoria | Sì |
14 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 108 | 108 | 0 | 0 |
LegendaCFU: n. crediti dell’insegnamento CFU LEZ: n. cfu di lezione in aula CFU LAB: n. cfu di laboratorio CFU ESE: n. cfu di esercitazione FREQUENZA:Libera/Obbligatoria MODULI:SI - L'insegnamento prevede la suddivisione in moduli, NO - non sono previsti moduli ORE: n. ore programmate ORE LEZ: n. ore programmate di lezione in aula ORE LAB: n. ore programmate di laboratorio ORE ESE: n. ore programmate di esercitazione SSD:sigla del settore scientifico disciplinare dell’insegnamento TAF:sigla della tipologia di attività formativa TIPOLOGIA:LEZ - lezioni frontali, ESE - esercitazioni, LAB - laboratorio
Obiettivi Formativi
Lo studente dovrà acquisire la metodologia clinica (compresa la storia, l'esame obiettivo e l'approccio clinico) delle principali malattie congenite e acquisite dei sistemi respiratorio e cardiovascolare e degli altri organi intratoracici, comprese le indicazioni per il trattamento chirurgico di queste patologie.Learning Goals
The student will have to acquire the clinical methodology (including history, physical examination and clinical approach) knowledge of the main congenital and acquired diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and of the other intrathoracic organs, including the indications for the surgical treatment of these pathologies.Metodi didattici
Lezioni frontali e professionalizzanti. La frequenza alle lezioni è obbligatoria. Le attestazioni di frequenza dei singoli Corsi Integrati verranno rilasciate a seguito del raggiungimento di almeno il 75% di presenza, purché il numero di ore frequentate non sia inferiore al 50% per singola disciplina.Teaching Methods
Lectures and clinical cases. Attendance is mandatory. The attendance records of each Integrated Course will be issued following the achievement of at least 75% attendance, as long as the hours attended for each discipline within the Integrated Course are not less than 50%.Prerequisiti
Sono prerequisiti le conoscenze di embriologia, anatomia, fisiologia, fisiopatologia, semeiotica e metodologia clinica, medicina di laboratorio.Prerequisites
They are the prerequisite the knowledge of the embryology, anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, clinical methodology, laboratory medicine.Verifiche dell'apprendimento
La verifica dell’apprendimento sarà effettuata secondo calendario didattico con esame finale orale (voto in trentesimi) che accerti la preparazione del candidato. La valutazione della preparazione finale terrà conto dell’impegno dimostrato durante il corso delle lezioni, del grado di preparazione raggiunto, della proprietà di linguaggio in relazione agli argomenti trattati e delle capacità espositive. Verrà valutata insufficiente una preparazione con lacune grossolane in uno o più argomenti trattati; la sufficienza prevede la conoscenza non frammentaria degli argomenti.Assessment
Assessment will be carried out according to teaching calendar through an oral final exam (score out of thirty) that verifies the candidate's knowledge level. The evaluation of the final preparation will take into account the commitment shown during the all didactic activity period, the level of preparation, the use of proper language in relation to topics and presentation skills. Preparation will be valued at insufficient level if there will be gaps in one or more topics; the achievement of sufficiency will require a not fragmented knowledge of topics.Programma del Corso
------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/1 - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES ------------------------------------------------------------ Metodologia diagnostica clinica e strumentale delle malattie cardiovascolari (cardiopatia ischemica, scompenso cardiaco, valvulopatie, aritmie, cardiomiopatie, miocarditi, pericarditi, ipertensione arteriosa, ipertensione polmonare, tromboembolia polmonare, patologia acute e croniche dell’aorta, arteriopatie e flebopatie periferiche). Approccio terapeutico (farmacologica e non) delle principali malattie cardiovascolari. ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/10 - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES ------------------------------------------------------------ Metodologia diagnostica clinica e strumentale delle malattie cardiovascolari (cardiopatia ischemica, scompenso cardiaco, valvulopatie, aritmie, cardiomiopatie, miocarditi, pericarditi, ipertensione arteriosa, ipertensione polmonare, tromboembolia polmonare, patologia acute e croniche dell’aorta, arteriopatie e flebopatie periferiche). Approccio terapeutico (farmacologica e non) delle principali malattie cardiovascolari. ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/11 - THORACIC SURGERY ------------------------------------------------------------ Pneumotorace, Traumatologia Toracica, Ca Polmonare, Patologia Neoplastica della Pleura, Versamenti Pleurici, Patologia Tracheale, Patologia Esofagea, Patologia Mediastinica. ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/12 - RESPIRATORY DISEASES ------------------------------------------------------------ Respiratory diseases Prove di funzionalità respiratoria (comprese sindromi disventilatorie, emogasanalisi arteriosa, pulsossimetria e prove da sforzo di interesse Pneumologico). Metodologia diagnostica in Pneumologia (anamnesi, ed esame obiettivo in Pneumologia e sindromi mediastiniche) per la diagnosi delle malattie polmonari dell’adulto. Approccio terapeutico, farmacologico e non, delle principali malattie polmonari dell’adulto (comprese LTOT e VMNI). Infezioni vie aeree inferiori e pleura (comprese polmoniti e tubercolosi). Asma bronchiale, broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva (BPCO) ed enfisema polmonare (comprese bolle polmonari e distrofie bollose), sindromi bronchiectasiche, embolie polmonari, vasculiti polmonari, ipertensione arteriosa polmonare e sindrome veno-occlusiva polmonare, Interstiziopatie polmonari/pneumopatie infiltrative diffuse, neoplasie polmonari e pleuriche. Versamenti pleurici, cenni non chirurgici sul pneumotorace, sindromi polmone-cuore, polmone-reni, polmone-fegato, comprese quelle emorragiche diffuse, insufficienza respiratoria (acuta, cronica ed acuta su cronica) Thoracic surgery Pneumotorace, traumatologia toracica, patologia tracheale, patologia esofagea, patologia mediastinica e loro trattamento chirurgico, compreso quello relativo a Ca polmonare, patologia neoplastica della pleura, versamenti pleurici. Cardiac surgery Approccio alla euristica delle malattie del cuore e dei grandi vasi dell’adulto e del bambino. Tecniche chirurgiche di base per le malattie congenite ed acquisite del cuore e dei grandi vasi. Cardiovascular diseases Metodologia diagnostica clinica e strumentale delle malattie cardiovascolari (cardiopatia ischemica, scompenso cardiaco, valvulopatie, aritmie, cardiomiopatie, miocarditi, pericarditi, ipertensione arteriosa, ipertensione polmonare, tromboembolia polmonare, patologia acute e croniche dell’aorta, arteriopatie e flebopatie periferiche). Approccio terapeutico (farmacologica e non) delle principali malattie cardiovascolari. Vascular surgery Eziologia diagnosi e terapia di patologie arteriose sistemiche (dissezione aortica, aneurismi arteriosi, insufficienza cerebrovascolare, insufficienza celiaco-mesenterica, ischemia acuta e cronica degli arti). Eziologia diagnosi e terapia di patologie venose sistemiche (insufficienza venosa cronica, tromboflebiti e trombosi venose profonde, tromboembolia polmonare). ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/13 - VASCULAR SURGERY ------------------------------------------------------------ Eziologia diagnosi e terapia di patologie arteriose sistemiche (dissezione aortica, aneurismi arteriosi, insufficienza cerebrovascolare, insufficienza celiaco-mesenterica, ischemia acuta e cronica degli arti). Eziologia diagnosi e terapia di patologie venose sistemiche (insufficienza venosa cronica, tromboflebiti e trombosi venose profonde, tromboembolia polmonare). ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/14 - CARDIAC SURGERY ------------------------------------------------------------ Approccio alla euristica delle malattie del cuore e dei grandi vasi dell’adulto e del bambino. Tecniche chirurgiche di base per le malattie congenite ed acquisite del cuore e dei grandi vasi. ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/2 - RESPIRATORY DISEASES ------------------------------------------------------------ Respiratory diseases Prove di funzionalità respiratoria (comprese sindromi disventilatorie, emogasanalisi arteriosa, pulsossimetria e prove da sforzo di interesse Pneumologico). Metodologia diagnostica in Pneumologia (anamnesi, ed esame obiettivo in Pneumologia e sindromi mediastiniche) per la diagnosi delle malattie polmonari dell’adulto. Approccio terapeutico, farmacologico e non, delle principali malattie polmonari dell’adulto (comprese LTOT e VMNI). Infezioni vie aeree inferiori e pleura (comprese polmoniti e tubercolosi). Asma bronchiale, broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva (BPCO) ed enfisema polmonare (comprese bolle polmonari e distrofie bollose), sindromi bronchiectasiche, embolie polmonari, vasculiti polmonari, ipertensione arteriosa polmonare e sindrome veno-occlusiva polmonare, Interstiziopatie polmonari/pneumopatie infiltrative diffuse, neoplasie polmonari e pleuriche. Versamenti pleurici, cenni non chirurgici sul pneumotorace, sindromi polmone-cuore, polmone-reni, polmone-fegato, comprese quelle emorragiche diffuse, insufficienza respiratoria (acuta, cronica ed acuta su cronica) Thoracic surgery Pneumotorace, traumatologia toracica, patologia tracheale, patologia esofagea, patologia mediastinica e loro trattamento chirurgico, compreso quello relativo a Ca polmonare, patologia neoplastica della pleura, versamenti pleurici. Cardiac surgery Approccio alla euristica delle malattie del cuore e dei grandi vasi dell’adulto e del bambino. Tecniche chirurgiche di base per le malattie congenite ed acquisite del cuore e dei grandi vasi. Cardiovascular diseases Metodologia diagnostica clinica e strumentale delle malattie cardiovascolari (cardiopatia ischemica, scompenso cardiaco, valvulopatie, aritmie, cardiomiopatie, miocarditi, pericarditi, ipertensione arteriosa, ipertensione polmonare, tromboembolia polmonare, patologia acute e croniche dell’aorta, arteriopatie e flebopatie periferiche). Approccio terapeutico (farmacologica e non) delle principali malattie cardiovascolari. Vascular surgery Eziologia diagnosi e terapia di patologie arteriose sistemiche (dissezione aortica, aneurismi arteriosi, insufficienza cerebrovascolare, insufficienza celiaco-mesenterica, ischemia acuta e cronica degli arti). Eziologia diagnosi e terapia di patologie venose sistemiche (insufficienza venosa cronica, tromboflebiti e trombosi venose profonde, tromboembolia polmonare). ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/3 - THORACIC SURGERY ------------------------------------------------------------ Pneumotorace, Traumatologia Toracica, Ca Polmonare, Patologia Neoplastica della Pleura, Versamenti Pleurici, Patologia Tracheale, Patologia Esofagea, Patologia Mediastinica. ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/4 - VASCULAR SURGERY ------------------------------------------------------------ Eziologia diagnosi e terapia di patologie arteriose sistemiche (dissezione aortica, aneurismi arteriosi, insufficienza cerebrovascolare, insufficienza celiaco-mesenterica, ischemia acuta e cronica degli arti). Eziologia diagnosi e terapia di patologie venose sistemiche (insufficienza venosa cronica, tromboflebiti e trombosi venose profonde, tromboembolia polmonare). ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/5 - CARDIAC SURGERY ------------------------------------------------------------ -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/6 - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES ------------------------------------------------------------ -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/7 - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES ------------------------------------------------------------ Cardiovascular diseases Metodologia diagnostica clinica e strumentale delle malattie cardiovascolari (cardiopatia ischemica, scompenso cardiaco, valvulopatie, aritmie, cardiomiopatie, miocarditi, pericarditi, ipertensione arteriosa, ipertensione polmonare, tromboembolia polmonare, patologia acute e croniche dell’aorta, arteriopatie e flebopatie periferiche). Approccio terapeutico (farmacologica e non) delle principali malattie cardiovascolari. ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/8 - RESPIRATORY DISEASES ------------------------------------------------------------ Respiratory diseases Prove di funzionalità respiratoria (comprese sindromi disventilatorie, emogasanalisi arteriosa, pulsossimetria e prove da sforzo di interesse Pneumologico). Metodologia diagnostica in Pneumologia (anamnesi, ed esame obiettivo in Pneumologia e sindromi mediastiniche) per la diagnosi delle malattie polmonari dell’adulto. Approccio terapeutico, farmacologico e non, delle principali malattie polmonari dell’adulto (comprese LTOT e VMNI). Infezioni vie aeree inferiori e pleura (comprese polmoniti e tubercolosi). Asma bronchiale, broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva (BPCO) ed enfisema polmonare (comprese bolle polmonari e distrofie bollose), sindromi bronchiectasiche, embolie polmonari, vasculiti polmonari, ipertensione arteriosa polmonare e sindrome veno-occlusiva polmonare, Interstiziopatie polmonari/pneumopatie infiltrative diffuse, neoplasie polmonari e pleuriche.Versamenti pleurici, cenni non chirurgici sul pneumotorace, sindromi polmone-cuore, polmone-reni, polmone-fegato, comprese quelle emorragiche diffuse, insufficienza respiratoria (acuta, cronica ed acuta su cronica) Thoracic surgery Pneumotorace, traumatologia toracica, patologia tracheale, patologia esofagea, patologia mediastinica e loro trattamento chirurgico, compreso quello relativo a Ca polmonare, patologia neoplastica della pleura, versamenti pleurici. Cardiac surgery Approccio alla euristica delle malattie del cuore e dei grandi vasi dell’adulto e del bambino. Tecniche chirurgiche di base per le malattie congenite ed acquisite del cuore e dei grandi vasi. Cardiovascular diseases Metodologia diagnostica clinica e strumentale delle malattie cardiovascolari (cardiopatia ischemica, scompenso cardiaco, valvulopatie, aritmie, cardiomiopatie, miocarditi, pericarditi, ipertensione arteriosa, ipertensione polmonare, tromboembolia polmonare, patologia acute e croniche dell’aorta, arteriopatie e flebopatie periferiche). Approccio terapeutico (farmacologica e non) delle principali malattie cardiovascolari. Vascular surgery Eziologia diagnosi e terapia di patologie arteriose sistemiche (dissezione aortica, aneurismi arteriosi, insufficienza cerebrovascolare, insufficienza celiaco-mesenterica, ischemia acuta e cronica degli arti). Eziologia diagnosi e terapia di patologie venose sistemiche (insufficienza venosa cronica, tromboflebiti e trombosi venose profonde, tromboembolia polmonare ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/9 - RESPIRATORY DISEASES ------------------------------------------------------------ Respiratory diseases Prove di funzionalità respiratoria (comprese sindromi disventilatorie, emogasanalisi arteriosa, pulsossimetria e prove da sforzo di interesse Pneumologico). Metodologia diagnostica in Pneumologia (anamnesi, ed esame obiettivo in Pneumologia e sindromi mediastiniche) per la diagnosi delle malattie polmonari dell’adulto. Approccio terapeutico, farmacologico e non, delle principali malattie polmonari dell’adulto (comprese LTOT e VMNI). Infezioni vie aeree inferiori e pleura (comprese polmoniti e tubercolosi). Asma bronchiale, broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva (BPCO) ed enfisema polmonare (comprese bolle polmonari e distrofie bollose), sindromi bronchiectasiche, embolie polmonari, vasculiti polmonari, ipertensione arteriosa polmonare e sindrome veno-occlusiva polmonare, Interstiziopatie polmonari/pneumopatie infiltrative diffuse, neoplasie polmonari e pleuriche.Versamenti pleurici, cenni non chirurgici sul pneumotorace, sindromi polmone-cuore, polmone-reni, polmone-fegato, comprese quelle emorragiche diffuse, insufficienza respiratoria (acuta, cronica ed acuta su cronica) Thoracic surgery Pneumotorace, traumatologia toracica, patologia tracheale, patologia esofagea, patologia mediastinica e loro trattamento chirurgico, compreso quello relativo a Ca polmonare, patologia neoplastica della pleura, versamenti pleurici. Cardiac surgery Approccio alla euristica delle malattie del cuore e dei grandi vasi dell’adulto e del bambino. Tecniche chirurgiche di base per le malattie congenite ed acquisite del cuore e dei grandi vasi. Cardiovascular diseases Metodologia diagnostica clinica e strumentale delle malattie cardiovascolari (cardiopatia ischemica, scompenso cardiaco, valvulopatie, aritmie, cardiomiopatie, miocarditi, pericarditi, ipertensione arteriosa, ipertensione polmonare, tromboembolia polmonare, patologia acute e croniche dell’aorta, arteriopatie e flebopatie periferiche). Approccio terapeutico (farmacologica e non) delle principali malattie cardiovascolari. Vascular surgery Eziologia diagnosi e terapia di patologie arteriose sistemiche (dissezione aortica, aneurismi arteriosi, insufficienza cerebrovascolare, insufficienza celiaco-mesenterica, ischemia acuta e cronica degli arti). Eziologia diagnosi e terapia di patologie venose sistemiche (insufficienza venosa cronica, tromboflebiti e trombosi venose profonde, tromboembolia polmonareCourse Syllabus
------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/1 - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES ------------------------------------------------------------ Functional cardiovascular tests. Clinical and instrumental approach to the diagnosis of the adult cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart disease, heart failure, valvular heart diseases, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathies, myocarditis, pericarditis, arterial hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary thromboembolism, acute and chronic aortic diseases, vascular diseases). Pharmacological and non-pharmacological approach treatment of cardiovascular diseases. ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/10 - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES ------------------------------------------------------------ Functional cardiovascular tests. Clinical and instrumental approach to the diagnosis of the adult cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart disease, heart failure, valvular heart diseases, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathies, myocarditis, pericarditis, arterial hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary thromboembolism, acute and chronic aortic diseases, vascular diseases). Pharmacological and non-pharmacological approach treatment of cardiovascular diseases. ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/11 - THORACIC SURGERY ------------------------------------------------------------ Pneumothorax, Thoracic Traumatology, Lung Cancer, Neoplastic Pleural Pathology, Pleural effusions, Tracheal Pathology, Esophageal Pathology, Mediastinal Pathology. ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/12 - RESPIRATORY DISEASES ------------------------------------------------------------ Respiratory diseases Lung functions tests (including spirometry, DLCO, arterial blood gas analysis, pulse oximetry, exercise tests of interest to the Pulmonologist). Methodological approach (including history and physical examination and mediastinal syndromes) to the diagnosis of the adult lung diseases Pharmacological and non-pharmacological approach of the adult lung diseases (including LTOT and NIV). Infections of the lower airways and the pleura. Bronchial asthma, COPD and pulmonary emphysema and lung bullae and dystrophy, bronchiectasis CF and non CF, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary vasculitis, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary venous-occlusive syndrome. Interstitial lung diseases/Diffuse parenchymal lung diseases, pulmonary and pleural tumours. Pleural effusion, nonsurgical approaches to the pneumothorax, heart and lung, kidney and lung, liver and lung syndromes including diffuse alveolar haemorrhage syndromes, respiratory failure (acute, chronic and acute on chronic). Thoracic surgery Pneumothorax, thoracic traumatology, tracheal pathology, oesophageal pathology, mediastinal pathology and their treatment as well as for lung cancer, neoplastic pleural pathology, pleural effusions. Cardiac surgery Methodological approach to the diagnosis of the disease of heart and great vessels of the adult and young. Basic surgical techniques for acquired and congenital disease of heart and great vessels. Cardiovascular diseases Functional cardiovascular tests. Clinical and instrumental approach to the diagnosis of the adult cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart disease, heart failure, valvular heart diseases, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathies, myocarditis, pericarditis, arterial hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary thromboembolism, acute and chronic aortic diseases, vascular diseases). Pharmacological and non-pharmacological approach treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Vascular surgery Etiology, diagnosis and therapy of the arterial disease (aortic dissections, aortic aneurysms, cerebrovascular insufficiency, celiac-mesenteric insufficiency, limbs acute and chronic ischemia). Etiology, diagnosis and therapy of the venous disease (chronic venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism). ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/13 - VASCULAR SURGERY ------------------------------------------------------------ Etiology, diagnosis and therapy of the arterial disease (aortic dissections, aortic aneurysms, cerebrovascular insufficiency, celiac-mesenteric insufficiency, limbs acute and chronic ischemia). Etiology, diagnosis and therapy of the venous disease (chronic venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism). ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/14 - CARDIAC SURGERY ------------------------------------------------------------ Methodological approach to the diagnosis of the disease of heart and great vessels of the adult and young. Basic surgical techniques for acquired and congenital disease of heart and great vessels. ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/2 - RESPIRATORY DISEASES ------------------------------------------------------------ Respiratory diseases Lung functions tests (including spirometry, DLCO, arterial blood gas analysis, pulse oximetry, exercise tests of interest to the Pulmonologist). Methodological approach (including history and physical examination and mediastinal syndromes) to the diagnosis of the adult lung diseases Pharmacological and non-pharmacological approach of the adult lung diseases (including LTOT and NIV). Infections of the lower airways and the pleura. Bronchial asthma, COPD and pulmonary emphysema and lung bullae and dystrophy, bronchiectasis CF and non CF, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary vasculitis, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary venous-occlusive syndrome. Interstitial lung diseases/Diffuse parenchymal lung diseases, pulmonary and pleural tumours. Pleural effusion, nonsurgical approaches to the pneumothorax, heart and lung, kidney and lung, liver and lung syndromes including diffuse alveolar haemorrhage syndromes, respiratory failure (acute, chronic and acute on chronic). Thoracic surgery Pneumothorax, thoracic traumatology, tracheal pathology, oesophageal pathology, mediastinal pathology and their treatment as well as for lung cancer, neoplastic pleural pathology, pleural effusions. Cardiac surgery Methodological approach to the diagnosis of the disease of heart and great vessels of the adult and young. Basic surgical techniques for acquired and congenital disease of heart and great vessels. Cardiovascular diseases Functional cardiovascular tests. Clinical and instrumental approach to the diagnosis of the adult cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart disease, heart failure, valvular heart diseases, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathies, myocarditis, pericarditis, arterial hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary thromboembolism, acute and chronic aortic diseases, vascular diseases). Pharmacological and non-pharmacological approach treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Vascular surgery Etiology, diagnosis and therapy of the arterial disease (aortic dissections, aortic aneurysms, cerebrovascular insufficiency, celiac-mesenteric insufficiency, limbs acute and chronic ischemia). Etiology, diagnosis and therapy of the venous disease (chronic venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism). ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/3 - THORACIC SURGERY ------------------------------------------------------------ Pneumothorax, Thoracic Traumatology, Lung Cancer, Neoplastic Pleural Pathology, Pleural effusions, Tracheal Pathology, Esophageal Pathology, Mediastinal Pathology. ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/4 - VASCULAR SURGERY ------------------------------------------------------------ Etiology, diagnosis and therapy of the arterial disease (aortic dissections, aortic aneurysms, cerebrovascular insufficiency, celiac-mesenteric insufficiency, limbs acute and chronic ischemia). Etiology, diagnosis and therapy of the venous disease (chronic venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism). ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/5 - CARDIAC SURGERY ------------------------------------------------------------ -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/6 - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES ------------------------------------------------------------ -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/7 - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES ------------------------------------------------------------ Cardiovascular diseases Functional cardiovascular testing. Clinical and instrumental approach to the diagnosis of adult cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart disease, heart failure, valvular heart diseases, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathies, myocarditis, pericarditis, arterial hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary thromboembolism, acute and chronic aortic diseases, vascular diseases). Pharmacological and non-pharmacological approach for treatment of cardiovascular diseases. ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/8 - RESPIRATORY DISEASES ------------------------------------------------------------ Respiratory diseases Lung functions tests (including spirometry, DLCO, arterial blood gas analysis, pulse oximetry, exercise tests of interest to the Pulmonologist). Methodological approach (including history and physical examination and mediastinal syndromes) to the diagnosis of the adult lung diseases Pharmacological and non-pharmacological approach of the adult lung diseases (including LTOT and NIV). Infections of the lower airways and the pleura. Bronchial asthma, COPD and pulmonary emphysema and lung bullae and dystrophy, bronchiectasis CF and non CF, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary vasculitis, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary venous-occlusive syndrome. Interstitial lung diseases/Diffuse parenchymal lung diseases, pulmonary and pleural tumours. Pleural effusion, nonsurgical approaches to the pneumothorax, heart and lung, kidney and lung, liver and lung syndromes including diffuse alveolar haemorrhage syndromes, respiratory failure (acute, chronic and acute on chronic). Thoracic surgery Pneumothorax, thoracic traumatology, tracheal pathology, oesophageal pathology, mediastinal pathology and their treatment as well as for lung cancer, neoplastic pleural pathology, pleural effusions. Cardiac surgery Methodological approach to the diagnosis of the disease of heart and great vessels of the adult and young. Basic surgical techniques for acquired and congenital disease of heart and great vessels. Cardiovascular diseases Functional cardiovascular tests. Clinical and instrumental approach to the diagnosis of the adult cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart disease, heart failure, valvular heart diseases, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathies, myocarditis, pericarditis, arterial hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary thromboembolism, acute and chronic aortic diseases, vascular diseases). Pharmacological and non-pharmacological approach treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Vascular surgery Etiology, diagnosis and therapy of the arterial disease (aortic dissections, aortic aneurysms, cerebrovascular insufficiency, celiac-mesenteric insufficiency, limbs acute and chronic ischemia). Etiology, diagnosis and therapy of the venous disease (chronic venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism). ------------------------------------------------------------ Modulo: 8103/9 - RESPIRATORY DISEASES ------------------------------------------------------------ Respiratory diseases Lung functions tests (including spirometry, DLCO, arterial blood gas analysis, pulse oximetry, exercise tests of interest to the Pulmonologist). Methodological approach (including history and physical examination and mediastinal syndromes) to the diagnosis of the adult lung diseases Pharmacological and non-pharmacological approach of the adult lung diseases (including LTOT and NIV). Infections of the lower airways and the pleura. Bronchial asthma, COPD and pulmonary emphysema and lung bullae and dystrophy, bronchiectasis CF and non CF, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary vasculitis, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary venous-occlusive syndrome. Interstitial lung diseases/Diffuse parenchymal lung diseases, pulmonary and pleural tumours. Pleural effusion, nonsurgical approaches to the pneumothorax, heart and lung, kidney and lung, liver and lung syndromes including diffuse alveolar haemorrhage syndromes, respiratory failure (acute, chronic and acute on chronic). Thoracic surgery Pneumothorax, thoracic traumatology, tracheal pathology, oesophageal pathology, mediastinal pathology and their treatment as well as for lung cancer, neoplastic pleural pathology, pleural effusions. Cardiac surgery Methodological approach to the diagnosis of the disease of heart and great vessels of the adult and young. Basic surgical techniques for acquired and congenital disease of heart and great vessels. Cardiovascular diseases Functional cardiovascular tests. Clinical and instrumental approach to the diagnosis of the adult cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart disease, heart failure, valvular heart diseases, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathies, myocarditis, pericarditis, arterial hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary thromboembolism, acute and chronic aortic diseases, vascular diseases). Pharmacological and non-pharmacological approach treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Vascular surgery Etiology, diagnosis and therapy of the arterial disease (aortic dissections, aortic aneurysms, cerebrovascular insufficiency, celiac-mesenteric insufficiency, limbs acute and chronic ischemia). Etiology, diagnosis and therapy of the venous disease (chronic venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism).Testi di riferimento: ------------------------------------------------------------
Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 2-Volume Set, 11th ed, 2020. Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978 0323463423.
Latest edition of Rutherford's Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, 2-Volume Set, 9th edition, 2018. Elsevier, ISBN-10: 032342791X
Lectures of the course by slides and syllabus integrations.
Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 2-Volume Set, 11th ed, 2020. Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978 0323463423.
Latest edition of Rutherford's Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, 2-Volume Set, 9th edition, 2018. Elsevier, ISBN-10: 032342791X
Lectures of the course by slides and syllabus integrations.
Modulo: 8103/11 - THORACIC SURGERY
Disordini del Sistema Respiratorio) dell’Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th ed, 2018, McGraw-Hill (;§ionid=159213747 =).
Malattie dell'apparato respiratorio. Pneumatologia e chirurgia toracica, (Michele Loiz,zi, Alberto Oliaro), Minerva Medica 2015 ISBN 9788877118233.
Master Techniques in Surgery: Thoracic Surgery: Transplantation, Tracheal Resections, Mediastinal Tumors, Extended Thoracic Resections 2015 ISBN 9781451190724
Pulmonology (Respiratory Disorders) chapters of the Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, most recent edition, McGraw-Hill (;§ionid=159213747 =).
Master Techniques in Surgery: Thoracic Surgery: Transplantation, Tracheal Resections, Mediastinal Tumors, Extended Thoracic Resections 2015 ISBN 9781451190724.
Kirklin/Barratt-Boyes Cardiac Surgery, Eugene H. Blackstone, Frank L. Hanley, James K. Kirklin, Nicholas T. Kouchoukos, Saunders/Elsevier, 2018, ISBN9781416063919
AN: 9788865151303.
Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 2-Volume Set, 11th ed, 2020. Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978 0323463423.
Latest edition of Rutherford's Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, 2-Volume Set, 9th edition, 2018. Elsevier, ISBN-10: 032342791X
Lectures of the course by slides and syllabus integrations.
Modulo: 8103/13 - VASCULAR SURGERY
Cardiovascular Medicine, 2-Volume Set, 11th ed, 2020. Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978 0323463423.
Latest edition of Rutherford's Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, 2-Volume Set, 9th edition, 2018. Elsevier, ISBN-10: 032342791X
Lectures of the course by slides and syllabus integrations
Modulo: 8103/14 - CARDIAC SURGERY
Pulmonology (Respiratory Disorders) chapters of the Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, most recent edition, McGraw-Hill (;§ionid=159213747 =).
Master Techniques in Surgery: Thoracic Surgery: Transplantation, Tracheal Resections, Mediastinal Tumors, Extended Thoracic Resections 2015 ISBN 9781451190724.
Kirklin/Barratt-Boyes Cardiac Surgery, Eugene H. Blackstone, Frank L. Hanley, James K. Kirklin, Nicholas T. Kouchoukos, Saunders/Elsevier, 2018, ISBN9781416063919
AN: 9788865151303.
Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 2-Volume Set, 11th ed, 2020. Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978 0323463423.
Latest edition of Rutherford's Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, 2-Volume Set, 9th edition, 2018. Elsevier, ISBN-10: 032342791X
Lectures of the course by slides and syllabus integrations.
Pulmonology (Respiratory Disorders) chapters of the Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, most recent edition, McGraw-Hill (;§ionid=159213747 =).
Master Techniques in Surgery: Thoracic Surgery: Transplantation, Tracheal Resections, Mediastinal Tumors, Extended Thoracic Resections 2015 ISBN 9781451190724.
Kirklin/Barratt-Boyes Cardiac Surgery, Eugene H. Blackstone, Frank L. Hanley, James K. Kirklin, Nicholas T. Kouchoukos, Saunders/Elsevier, 2018, ISBN9781416063919
AN: 9788865151303.
Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 2-Volume Set, 11th ed, 2020. Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978 0323463423.
Latest edition of Rutherford's Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, 2-Volume Set, 9th edition, 2018. Elsevier, ISBN-10: 032342791X
Lectures of the course by slides and syllabus integrations.
Modulo: 8103/3 - THORACIC SURGERY
Disordini del Sistema Respiratorio) dell’Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th ed, 2018, McGraw-Hill (;§ionid=159213747 =).
Malattie dell'apparato respiratorio. Pneumatologia e chirurgia toracica, (Michele Loiz,zi, Alberto Oliaro), Minerva Medica 2015 ISBN 9788877118233.
Master Techniques in Surgery: Thoracic Surgery: Transplantation, Tracheal Resections, Mediastinal Tumors, Extended Thoracic Resections 2015 ISBN 9781451190724
Modulo: 8103/4 - VASCULAR SURGERY
Cardiovascular Medicine, 2-Volume Set, 11th ed, 2020. Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978 0323463423.
Latest edition of Rutherford's Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, 2-Volume Set, 9th edition, 2018. Elsevier, ISBN-10: 032342791X
Lectures of the course by slides and syllabus integrations
Modulo: 8103/5 - CARDIAC SURGERY
Braunwald Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 2-Volume Set, 11th ed, 2020. Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978 0323463423.
Leonard S. Lilly. Fisiopatologia del Cuore. VI edizione. Wolters & Kluwer. Adattata da P. Agostoni.
Lectures of the course by slides and syllabus integrations.
Verranno anche fornite alcune recenti line-guida.
Pulmonology (Respiratory Disorders) chapters of the Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, most recent edition, McGraw-Hill (;§ionid=159213747 =).
Master Techniques in Surgery: Thoracic Surgery: Transplantation, Tracheal Resections, Mediastinal Tumors, Extended Thoracic Resections 2015 ISBN 9781451190724.
Kirklin/Barratt-Boyes Cardiac Surgery, Eugene H. Blackstone, Frank L. Hanley, James K. Kirklin, Nicholas T. Kouchoukos, Saunders/Elsevier, 2018, ISBN9781416063919
AN: 9788865151303.
Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 2-Volume Set, 11th ed, 2020. Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978 0323463423.
Latest edition of Rutherford's Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, 2-Volume Set, 9th edition, 2018. Elsevier, ISBN-10: 032342791X
Lectures of the course by slides and syllabus integrations.
Pulmonology (Respiratory Disorders) chapters of the Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, most recent edition, McGraw-Hill (;§ionid=159213747 =).
Master Techniques in Surgery: Thoracic Surgery: Transplantation, Tracheal Resections, Mediastinal Tumors, Extended Thoracic Resections 2015 ISBN 9781451190724.
Kirklin/Barratt-Boyes Cardiac Surgery, Eugene H. Blackstone, Frank L. Hanley, James K. Kirklin, Nicholas T. Kouchoukos, Saunders/Elsevier, 2018, ISBN9781416063919
AN: 9788865151303.
Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 2-Volume Set, 11th ed, 2020. Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978 0323463423.
Latest edition of Rutherford's Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, 2-Volume Set, 9th edition, 2018. Elsevier, ISBN-10: 032342791X
Lectures of the course by slides and syllabus integrations
Esami: Elenco degli appelli
Elenco delle unità didattiche costituenti l'insegnamento
Orario di Ricevimento - GAETANO CARAMORI
Giorno | Ora inizio | Ora fine | Luogo |
Martedì | 12:00 | 16:00 | Direzione UOC di Pneumologia, 1° piano, padiglione W, AOU Policlinico G. Martino di Messina, Via Consolare Valeria 1 |
Note: Previo appuntamento concordato via e-mail
Orario di Ricevimento - SCIPIONE CARERJ
Dato non disponibile
Orario di Ricevimento - GIANLUCA DI BELLA
Giorno | Ora inizio | Ora fine | Luogo |
Giovedì | 11:00 | 12:00 | Pad. E secondo PIANO |
Note: Prenotazione obbligatoria via e-mail.
Orario di Ricevimento - FRANCESCO MONACO
Dato non disponibile
Orario di Ricevimento - GAETANO CARAMORI
Giorno | Ora inizio | Ora fine | Luogo |
Martedì | 12:00 | 16:00 | Direzione UOC di Pneumologia, 1° piano, padiglione W, AOU Policlinico G. Martino di Messina, Via Consolare Valeria 1 |
Note: Previo appuntamento concordato via e-mail
Orario di Ricevimento - FILIPPO BENEDETTO
Dato non disponibile
Orario di Ricevimento - ROBERTO GAETA
Giorno | Ora inizio | Ora fine | Luogo |
Lunedì | 10:00 | 13:00 | Dip.medico chirurgico odonto e chirurgie specialistiche |
Note: Previo appuntamento telefonico al 3333920846
Orario di Ricevimento - GAETANO CARAMORI
Giorno | Ora inizio | Ora fine | Luogo |
Martedì | 12:00 | 16:00 | Direzione UOC di Pneumologia, 1° piano, padiglione W, AOU Policlinico G. Martino di Messina, Via Consolare Valeria 1 |
Note: Previo appuntamento concordato via e-mail
Orario di Ricevimento - FRANCESCO MONACO
Dato non disponibile
Orario di Ricevimento - FILIPPO BENEDETTO
Dato non disponibile
Orario di Ricevimento - ROBERTO GAETA
Giorno | Ora inizio | Ora fine | Luogo |
Lunedì | 10:00 | 13:00 | Dip.medico chirurgico odonto e chirurgie specialistiche |
Note: Previo appuntamento telefonico al 3333920846
Orario di Ricevimento - ANTONIO MICARI
Dato non disponibile
Orario di Ricevimento - CESARE DE GREGORIO
Giorno | Ora inizio | Ora fine | Luogo |
Martedì | 13:00 | 14:00 | Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Messina. UOC di Cardiologia (su appuntamento). |
Note: Previa richiesta via email
Orario di Ricevimento - GAETANO CARAMORI
Giorno | Ora inizio | Ora fine | Luogo |
Martedì | 12:00 | 16:00 | Direzione UOC di Pneumologia, 1° piano, padiglione W, AOU Policlinico G. Martino di Messina, Via Consolare Valeria 1 |
Note: Previo appuntamento concordato via e-mail