Offerta Didattica
Classe di corso: LM-32, 18 - Classe delle lauree magistrali in Ingegneria informatica
AA: 2015/2016
SSD | TAF | tipologia | frequenza | moduli |
SECS-S/06 | A scelta dello studente | Libera | Libera | No |
6 | 4.5 | 0 | 1.5 | 60 | 36 | 0 | 24 |
LegendaCFU: n. crediti dell’insegnamento CFU LEZ: n. cfu di lezione in aula CFU LAB: n. cfu di laboratorio CFU ESE: n. cfu di esercitazione FREQUENZA:Libera/Obbligatoria MODULI:SI - L'insegnamento prevede la suddivisione in moduli, NO - non sono previsti moduli ORE: n. ore programmate ORE LEZ: n. ore programmate di lezione in aula ORE LAB: n. ore programmate di laboratorio ORE ESE: n. ore programmate di esercitazione SSD:sigla del settore scientifico disciplinare dell’insegnamento TAF:sigla della tipologia di attività formativa TIPOLOGIA:LEZ - lezioni frontali, ESE - esercitazioni, LAB - laboratorio
Obiettivi Formativi
Comprensione del comportamento strategico di decisori razionali mediante l’illustrazione dei concetti di gioco in forma strategica e estesa, e quindi dei vari concetti di soluzione e di equilibrio per giochi di contrattazione e non cooperativi.Learning Goals
Understanding of the strategic behavior of rational decision-makers through the illustration of the concepts of strategic and extensive form game, and then the various solution concepts and equilibrium to bargaining games and non-cooperative games.Metodi didattici
Problem solving, lezione frontale, esercitazione.Teaching Methods
Problem solving, lesson.Prerequisiti
Elementi di analisiPrerequisites
Elements of calculusVerifiche dell'apprendimento
Esame scrittoAssessment
Written examProgramma del Corso
Games in extensive form. Formal definition of games in extensive form: game with perfect information, with imperfect information, with imperfect information and chance moves. Backward induction. Kuhn's or Zermelo's Theorem. Definition of winning strategy and Von Neumann’s Theorem. The game of chess, David Gale's game, The Nim game. Games in strategic (or normal) form. From extensive-game form to strategic form game (without and with chance moves). Solution concepts of strategic-form games: strictly and weakly dominated strategies. Process of iterated elimination of strictly and weakly dominated strategies. Nash equilibrium. Stability property of Nash equilibrium. Best Replay map. Backward induction and Nash equilibria. The maxmin concept. Conservative value and conservative strategy. Games: Cournot duopoly competition; Chairman's Paradox Two-player zero-sum games: definition and examples. The maxmin value and the minmax value. Value of the game and optimal strategy. Saddle point and optimal strategy. Mixed strategies and mixed extension of a game in strategic form. Equilibrium in mixed strategies. Von Neumann's Minmax Theorem and Nash’s Theorem. Calculus of equilibrium in mixed strategies: The direct approach. The graphical procedure for two-player zero-sum game. Indifference principle. Dominance and equilibrium. First-price sealed-bid auctions. Second-price sealed-bid auction. Finitely-repeated games. The Prisoner Dilemma with the possibility of punishment. Infinitely-repeated game. Folk Theorem. Definition of Bayesian games. Bank Runs, Incomplete Information Cournot, Auction (first and second price)Course Syllabus
Games in extensive form. Formal definition of games in extensive form: game with perfect information, with imperfect information, with imperfect information and chance moves. Backward induction. Kuhn's or Zermelo's Theorem. Definition of winning strategy and Von Neumannâs Theorem. The game of chess, David Gale's game, The Nim game. Games in strategic (or normal) form. From extensive-game form to strategic form game (without and with chance moves). Solution concepts of strategic-form games: strictly and weakly dominated strategies. Process of iterated elimination of strictly and weakly dominated strategies. Nash equilibrium. Stability property of Nash equilibrium. Best Replay map. Backward induction and Nash equilibria. The maxmin concept. Conservative value and conservative strategy. Games: Cournot duopoly competition; Chairman's Paradox Two-player zero-sum games: definition and examples. The maxmin value and the minmax value. Value of the game and optimal strategy. Saddle point and optimal strategy. Mixed strategies and mixed extension of a game in strategic form. Equilibrium in mixed strategies. Von Neumann's Minmax Theorem and Nashâs Theorem. Calculus of equilibrium in mixed strategies: The direct approach. The graphical procedure for two-player zero-sum game. Indifference principle. Dominance and equilibrium. First-price sealed-bid auctions. Second-price sealed-bid auction. Finitely-repeated games. The Prisoner Dilemma with the possibility of punishment. Infinitely-repeated game. Folk Theorem. Definition of Bayesian games. Bank Runs, Incomplete Information Cournot, Auction (first and second price)Testi di riferimento: R. Lucchetti, A primer in Game theory, Esculapio, 2011
Esami: Elenco degli appelli
Elenco delle unità didattiche costituenti l'insegnamento
Orario di Ricevimento - MONICA MILASI
Giorno | Ora inizio | Ora fine | Luogo |
Martedì | 12:15 | 13:15 | Stanza 26, piano 1, edificio D, Dipartimento di Economia. Su appuntamento per email: |